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Church of England Primary School

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Friday 12th November 2021


Good afternoon everyone!


As we come to the end of another busy week, let's reflect on the things we have learnt in the words of some of our class members:


I enjoyed going to the war memorial because I got to remember all of those who died in World War I and World War II. (Samuel)

Long division and Computing, because it was fun to learn how to use Tinkercad and we could create 3D images. (Erin)

Science - Evolution and Inheritance because I like learning how humans evolved. (Sabine)

I really enjoyed Maths long division with Mrs Short. (Charlie)

I enjoyed Topic the most because it's about the Ancient Greeks. (Owen)

I enjoyed 3D modelling in Computing because I made a cool statue. (Joe A)

I liked our service at the war memorial as I read a poem out there. (Jeremy)

I enjoyed learning about perimeter and it helps me to understand it. (Nicholas)

I enjoyed hockey in PE with Josh and Jack. (Saul)


The week of November 11th is always a special one as we focus on Remembrance Day and all the service men and women who have fought for our country during many wars and conflicts.  We were privileged to listen to a presentation on the work of the Royal British Legion (to whom our school is affiliated) by David Whitefield. Year 6 then walked to the war memorial where we had a short, but moving service to honour the war dead of Elham. Each child has two or three named crosses of local men who had sacrificed their lives for us. One by one, their names were read out and each cross reverently planted in the memorial garden.  Well done everyone in Oak Class for behaving so well and showing great respect.


Well done on another week of excellent learning Year 6. Have a great weekend.


Stay safe


Mrs Godden and Mrs Short

Our Remembrance Day Service at the War Memorial
