In Art this term we are learning about Andy Goldsworthy. Today we looked at some of his pieces of art and discussed how they were all made from natural materials such as stone, wood, leaves and snow.
We looked at how Andy Goldsworthy likes to mimic natural land features like rivers in his work and generated some words to describe the walls and paths e.g. winding, weaving, flowing.
The children then had a go at creating their own paths or walls.
The children are really enjoying the role play area this term. The task is to make something from junk modelling that will help the environment.
Here is Feliks' and Zach's robot rubbish grabber!
The children have been learning to describe turns, using their bodies first and then a mouse!
Continuing our theme of Moses, the children acted out the story, taking it in turns to play different roles and then one child sat in the hotseat and pretended to be Moses' mother, while the other children asked her some questions. I was very impressed with their in depth, sensitive questions.
How did you feel when you heard the Pharaoh said the baby boys would be killed?
How did you make the basket?
How long did it take to give birth to Moses?
How big was the baby when you gave birth?
What was the name of the river you hid him in?
How did you feel when you could keep the baby?
Did the baby drown in the river?
Were you sad when he went to live with the Egyptians?
Did you feel like you wanted to kill the Egyptians when they said 'All babies that are born shall be killed'?
What did the baby like to eat?
Did you feel the baby would die when you let him go?