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Church of England Primary School

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Friday 22nd April 2022


Hello Everyone


It was great to welcome you all back to school after the Easter break. We hope you had a good time and did some exciting activities with your families (and that you didn't eat too many Easter eggs!).


This term is set to be a busy one as we work hard to revise for our SATs tests in just a couple of week's time.  Once we have got them out of the way, we can start doing some fun activities and start work on our end-of-year production (details to be announced in a few weeks time - watch this space).


As well as our daily Maths and English lessons, we really stretched our brains in RE this week when we discussed different quotations about the resurrection by different types of people, including Christians, a Hindu and an Atheist/Humanist. Some of their opinions were quite challenging to understand, but we all tried hard to explain them in our own words.


In Science we learnt about the dangers of smoking and on Friday afternoon Mr File taught us about podcasts and had us planning our own ones, as Mrs Godden was away due to having (finally) caught Covid. We are all enjoying this term's PE - cricket - even though Joe A unfortunately broke his wrist in an accidental collision with another child. We all hope it mends very soon Joe.


We have also continued with our work on creating a website about a country and this week we looked at the issue of Copyright and how to ensure we do not abuse this. We learnt that we can use Copyright-free images and other media files by using websites such as Pixabay. Next week we will be designing our home page and adding hyperlinks to other new pages.


Keep up the good work everyone!


Best wishes


Mrs Godden and Mrs Short
