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Church of England Primary School

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Term 4

Term 4 Week 1

This week our learning has been about mini beasts. It was lovely to get outside in the sunshine. We even found a few mini beasts and looked closely at them with magnifying glasses.

Term 4 Week 2

Our learning this week is based around the Bog Baby a mythical creature which gives us a really good message about how we should treat wild animals.

The children have all made their own Bog Babies and have described them in their writing.
We had a lovely walk to the stream this morning. We didn't find a Bog Baby but we did find lots of fresh water shrimps.

Week 4

We have continued our learning about woodland animals and also thought about jungle animals. We had a super time at forest school making homes for the animals.We thought about what they need to survive and if it is the same or different to what people need to survive.

Term 4 Week 6
Acorn class have been super stars with their ICT this week. Lots of the children can play a reading game independently on a laptop and they had great fun sending the Bee Bots to each other using positional language.
Ooooh! It looks like the Easter Bunny has come early to Forest School. Acorn children had great fun searching for Easter Eggs. Have a lovely Easter everyone. Enjoy the break!