Friday 10th December 2021
Hello Everyone!
The weeks are simply flying by now and Christmas is only two weeks (or 15 sleeps) away and school is feeling very festive. We can hear KS1 practising their nativity play in the hall and have begun to enjoy some Christmas-themed lessons, such as a French comprehension task on how to decorate a Christmas tree (le sapin de Noel) and Christmas maths problems.
We have also done end-of-term assessments in reading comprehension, maths and grammar, punctuation and spelling this week and Mrs Short and Mrs Godden are really pleased with the progress we are all making - keep up the good work Oak Class!
In science this week we very much enjoyed comparing skeletons of early man to find evidence of evolution in humans and in topic we learned about slavery and everyday life in Ancient Greece. We also got very involved in playing The Refugee Game in RE, whereby we were families of refugees fleeting their homeland and facing all sorts of problems and challenges on their long journey to safety. We really immersed ourselves in the game and there was much discussion and plenty of emotions flying around the room.
Finally, on Friday afternoon, we were lucky enough to watch the dress rehearsal on KS1's nativity play and what a fab show it was! All the children looked marvellous in their costumes and the singing and acting were just great. We would like to say a big 'Well done!' to everyone who was involved in all the hard work, especially all the adults in KS1.
Have a great weekend everyone! (Who's putting up their tree this weekend?)
Best wishes
Mrs Short and Mrs Godden
Oak Class playing The Refugee Game