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Church of England Primary School

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Term 6

Week 3

Week ending 24.6.22


Did you notice the symmetrical, palindromic date - 22.6.22 ?


What a super day we had on Wednesday!  It was Sports Day and we were very proud of our children who all tried their best and thoroughly enjoyed themselves!


What else have we learned this week?


'I learned how to do cross stitch.'

'I learned my 10 x table and corresponding division facts.'

'I learned how to add the suffix 'ing' to verbs.'

'I learned the alternative spellings for the 'air' phoneme.'

'I learned how to print a repeating pattern.'

'I learned how to hold a tennis racquet.'

'I learned how to do a book review on 'Amphibby Anne.'

' learned how to look for patterns in a story.'

'I learned to tell the time to the quarter to and quarter past.'

'I learned to tell the time in five minute intervals.'

'I learned to tell the time an hour earlier than the clock and half an hour later than the clock.'

'I learned how to test if plants need soil to grow in.'

'I planted lots of different seeds in soil.'

'I planted cress seeds on a paper towel.'



