Term 1
WW1 Workshop
Week 5
We've had a fantastic week in Silver Birch, the children have produced some amazing writing around our class text of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We've also been practicing our column addition and revising our time skills in maths whilst learning new things in science and RE.
We were extremely lucky to have a visitor for a WW1 workshop on Friday where the children got to handle artifacts and learn loads of fascinating facts.
Welcome to Silver Birch class
Week 1
What an excellent first week to the new year we have had in Silver Birch class! Miss Boyle, myself and the team are very impressed with the enthusiasm and focus all the children have returned with. This week we spoke about our holidays, got to know each other, created super hero stories, completed Maths quizzes and started our Topic - WW1. We're all very excited and looking forward to what a fantastic year of learning and fun we have ahead of us.
We look forward to meeting parents at the Meet The Teacher event on Wednesday the 13th September, but any issues or questions that arise, we are always happy to liaise with you about.
Don't forget swimming starts in week 2!
Kind regards,
Mrs Hall
Spellings Week ending 7.9.18
Week 2 - Understanding Christianity RE lesson
Week 2
Everyone seems to have settled in now and getting used to the different routines. This week in English we started Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - writing character's thoughts and opinions. With Miss Boyle, the children have done some amazing descriptive writing about dragons. In Maths the children have been completing tasks on number, place value and perimeter. Hockey started for Year 4s and swimming for year 3s which went really well. Thank you to the parents who attended the 'Meet the Teacher' session - it was great getting to meet many parents that I didn't know before.
Mrs Hall
Spellings- 12.9.2018
Week 3
This week in Maths we've been doing number bonds, ordering numbers and continuing with calculating perimeter. We learnt about how WW1 started in Topic, and created instructions on how to be a baby in Science. We had an interesting RE lesson, talking about how Christians describe God which led to an amazing high level discussion. In English we wrote some character descriptions and did a drama activity.
Star of the week last week - Amelie for her amazing writing and Maths work this term.
Star of the week this week - Zac for his neat handwriting and excellent Maths skills.
Spellings 21.9.18
Monet art session
Spellings Week 4
Week 4
This week in Silver Birch we have been reinforcing our place value understanding, beginning to add multiple numbers when practicing addition in Maths. In RE we were exploring our beliefs about God.
We have really enjoyed learning about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory this week and have produced some amazing writing. We even got to eat some chocolate in one of our Literacy lessons!
We also began to look at what life was like on the from line during WW1, we have found this fascinating!!