Welcome back Hazel Class to Term 3.
We hope you all had a lovely break and are recharged and ready for the New Year!
Our weekly guided reading activities have changed this term. We will still be focusing on a handwriting group and a guided reading group. The other activities will be: looking at stories where things are lost, prayer writing and thinking about Creation and building a house for a toy using a selection of materials provided.
Our new Topic has started this week based on "Toys" past and present. We will be learning about modern day toys, and exploring toys that perhaps our grandparents would have played with. The children got together in groups today to look at a specific toy and name what it was made from, how it moved etc.
If anyone has any toys from the olden days at home that they would like to bring in and show the class we would love to see them. We will of course keep them safe so they do not get broken. Also a lot of the children said they visit the library, I have set them a challenge to see if they can find any books about olden day toys and bring these in also.
Our Music lesson today was listening to "Blues" style of music. We learnt a song called "In The Groove" by Joanna Mangona. We really enjoyed playing our instruments in the instrumental section.