Friday 24th September 2021
Good afternoon every from a lovely, sunny Elham. Although it is getting colder in the mornings and the leaves are starting to turn on the trees, we are still enjoying some very warm days - long may it continue!
This week has just flown by and we have learnt many different things, amongst which:
- How to recognise and calculate multiples, factors, prime and square numbers and how to estimate, measure and draw angles accurately
- Our RE focussed on the scientific account of creation - we watched films about the Big Bang and Evolution and compared these with the Bible account from Genesis
- We can now express opinions about school subjects in French - J'aime, Je n'aime pas, J'adore and Je deteste
As well as our class learning, we have been practising our presentation for Harvest Festival where we performed a poem including words which could be made from the word HARVEST. We also really enjoyed watching all the other classes perform. We particularly enjoyed Hazel's scarecrow song and Willows' Enormous Turnip story. Well done everyone - it was a fantastic Harvest Festival. We completely filled the altar space with food donations, so a big THANK YOU goes to everyone who brought something into school. The church was beautifully decorated for harvest - have a look at the photos below.
Also below our our completed silhouette portraits. Each one contains pictures of the things which are important to us, so they are very personal. Can you tell whose is whose?
Have a fun weekend everyone and we will see you all bright and early on Monday morning.
Best wishes
Mrs Godden and Mrs Short