Monday's Topic - Drawing and labelling a map of Ancient Egypt
Tuesday's Re - annotating the Big Frieze (The Bible concepts)
This week we have continued with our place value concept in maths and have been comparing and ordering numbers, some have been beyond a million! We measured perimeter of rectangles and rectilinear shapes too. We started a new text; The Egyptian Cinderella and have explored the main character and her feelings. We also compared the story to the original version. Also in English, we have looked at how to use pronouns appropriately. In Topic we mapped out Ancient Egypt on the playground and labelled significant places. We had also recapped the continents and oceans of the world. In RE we reflected on the beauty of the natural world and what is human made in the world that has the 'Wow factor.' In Science we discussed whether the Earth was round or flat, we carried out an experiment using a glass of water and a pencil which showed us how we can sometimes be deceived by our eyes and that everything is not always the same as it first looks. In computing we have continued to learn about computer systems and how these are used in every day life, we spent a lot of time looking at and discussing pelican crossings and what the process of ordering from a catalog might look like. In music we have continued to appraise rock music - this week we listened to We Will Rock You by Queen as well as rehearsing for the Harvest Festival.
Have a great weekend,
Mrs Hall and Miss Laslett