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Church of England Primary School

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A great time was had at the sports centre playing football matches against other local schools.  Many of our children are not footballers, but they really tried hard and their behaviour was exemplary.

We are having an arty return to school!  The children have used different media to create abstract pictures.  When they are dry they will label them with an imaginary name.  But the name has to contain a split digraph!

In maths the children are learning about turns.  We are using the words quarter, half, three quarter and full to describe the turns.

For our final term in computing the children are using Scratch Junior to learn how to make animations through simple programming.

Potato in a Bucket!

Our potato for the gardening competition is looking nice and healthy. The last lot of leaves needed covering today so we all helped and then sang our special 'Superato' song to help it grow!


Our learning in topic this term will be to look at a small village in New Zealand and compare it with our own village of Elham. We looked at the atlases and globes today to see if we could find New Zealand and which ocean surrounds it.  


We have been looking at what money is and how it helps us. We looked at how different coins and notes have a different value and explained how we use money to buy things. 
