This week in maths we continued with rounding, then moved on to using negative numbers and why we use them. We learnt about Roman numerals and how their number system was very different to ours. It was fun 'decoding' the digits. In Topic we were introduced to Boudicca and what a fantastic inspiration she can be for us all. Boudicca was a Celtic Queen who stood up to the Romans, and although eventually was defeated, we admired her determination and strength. In English, we used our descriptive sentences from last week to write some excellent descriptions of the moment Vesuvius exploded and devastated the city of Pompeii. We used this as a starting point for then thinking about being reporters and gathering evidence to write a newspaper article. We looked at some great examples of clever headlines, features of an article and then generated some questions that we may have asked the survivors and witnesses. In RE we had a great discussion about what consequences we face if we break promises and agreements, and also what evil in the world that we can stop and those acts that we have no control over. This was really interesting, thinking about man-made and natural disasters that occur in our world today. In French we learnt the names for 5 rooms in the house through some listening and reading activities.
Please have a look at the pictures below to see what we have been learning about on Thursday and Friday. In maths we enjoyed a carousel of activities so that we could put our area and perimeter kowledge to the test. In English we learnt about changing verb tenses. In Science we learnt about ways to mitigate climate change and how to adapt to the effects that are already being experienced, some beautiful posters were produced. In computing the children did a role play of a computing network and learnt the importan role a switch plays in this process.
We hope you enjoy the Harvest festival if you are able to attend, and look forward to seeing many of you at the class drop in session on Wednesday.
Mrs Hall and Miss Laslett