Term 6
This term our learning is all about water. have a look at the term plan above to see some of the content. It is a busy term with lots going on and with the children coming to the end of their foundation year we will be working on their readiness for Year 1.
Term 6 Week 1
Our learning this week has been about Noah. We have written list for what Noah needed to take onto the Ark. We have labelled an Ark and have counted the animals in 2s. We have thought about the water cycle and made animal masks for role playing the story. During circle time we had some interesting thoughts when the children were asked what they thought of the flood. One said that it was a bit unfair that only two of each animal went on the ark and that he was sure that the animals had not been bad. A very good point and interesting deep thinking from one so young!
The fabulous Acorns
Wearing it Wild
Term 6 week 2
We released our butterflies this week. After watching and waiting for quite a few weeks our butterflies have finally hatched. It was very exciting watching them fly away.
Term 6 Week 5
What super fun the children have had during sports week. Every day we have had different games to play. We have learnt how to play as a team and worked really hard together.