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Church of England Primary School

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Welcome back to Term 5!

This week we started our new text in English, 'Iron Man.'  We read  a poem based on the book and did our own action performances.  We read the first chapter and annotated some really effective features of writing.  In Topic, we started looking at maps of the world and locating continents, countries and oceans.  In Maths we completed some assessments so that we find out what we have learnt and what we need to do more learning on.  We started calculating area with Mrs Slingsby.  In Computing we started a unit all about audio and used a program called 'Audacity' to record some sounds. We discussed the story of Pentecost in RE, and how Jesus sent the gift of the Holy Spirit to his people.  In Science, we labelled parts of a plant and in French we learnt to say statements using, 'Je peux...' (I can...)
