Here are Zara's collages for you to enjoy.
Thursday 16th April
Hello Oak Class,
Today should have been the first day of Term 5, but of course we can't all be together in school. It's been lovely to hear from most of you and hear what you have been getting up to and seeing the work you have done so far. Thank you to everyone who has been in touch.
I asked you to write me a poem at the end of last term and I have had a couple back. Please send it to me if you have done it. I will be setting further writing tasks as the term goes on so keep checking the website!
I hope you have all started your country projects- I will set you a weekly task related to the topic. Some will be practical and others more writing based. Please check back to see what you should have done so far if you haven't had a chance to start it yet.
I have attached Sarah's poem for you to look at -Well done Sarah it's a super poem!
Take care Oak class, stay safe and well
Mrs Short xx
Our First Easter Collages are in! Well done Sarah, Ivy, Claire and Elias. Please keep sending yours in so they can be added to our gallery.
Thursday 16th April 2020
Welcome back to school and Term Five Oak Class! The Easter break seems to have flown by, despite us all still being in ‘lockdown’. We hope that you have managed to do lots of interesting and enjoyable activities during the holidays and that you are ready to get back into some learning now.
Please email us both as soon as you can with:
- Your lockdown poem
- Your Easter break photocollage
These are the lessons for this week:
English and Maths
Plans for Thursday and Friday of this week are attached below.
Remember to keep reading every day and doing your book quizzes on Accelerated Reader.
Also remember to keep practising your maths on Prodigy.
This week’s spelling test recording can be found below, along with next week’s words.
Please work through all the exercises we have set you on Duolingo. If you have finished them all, let us know and we will add some more. We are keeping track of who has completed each module – many of you have yet to start, but a big 'well done' goes to Sarah, Ella, Elias and Daisy, who we can see have been using Duolingo.
Please complete this Frère Jacques tune project on the micro:bit - https://microbit.org/projects/make-it-code-it/frere-jacques-tune/. Click on 'Open in MakeCode'. Make sure you save your work, including your name in the file name! When you have finished, please email your .hex file to Mrs Godden. She will be able to see and mark your work. (Apologies to those of you who tried to access the micro:bit classroom and found that it would not work.)
We had just started looking at Salvation as our RE topic for this term.
Firstly, watch the three videos of Christians talking about the importance of the Resurrection to them. Make some notes in your English book about their reasons.
Secondly, Christians often use art to express aspects of their religion, so now do the following activity:
- Print out the sheet below.
- Find out the meaning of each of the words (use a dictionary or the internet).
- Decide which picture you think best illustrates each word.
- One by one stick each picture and its word together in your English book. Leave space between each one to write about it.
- For each picture explain the meaning of the word and then explain why you think your chosen picture illustrates it best (look for clues in the picture such as light, colours, who is in the picture and what is happening).
If you have any questions about anything, please do email us. Check back on Monday morning for next
week’s work.
Take care and stay safe.
Mrs Short and Mrs Godden xx
Spellings (commonly tested words)