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Church of England Primary School

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Term 6

Week 5

Week ending 8.7.22


On Friday, we had a great day out at Wingham Wildlife Park.  The weather was beautiful, the children behaved impeccably and the animals were amazing!


What else have we learned this week?


'I learned my 3 x table.'

'I learned the 'tch', 'ture', 'ch', 'wh' and 'ph' phonemes.'

'I learned how to measure in metres and centimetres.'

'I learned how to do cross stitch.'

'I learned how to control the ball in tennis.'

'I learned about what a plant needs to grow.'

'I painted and glazed my snail and leaf.'

'I made a story map of Amphibby Anne.'

'I learned how to solve maths word problems.'

'I learned about the different habitats of our native animals.'

'I wrote a prayer about faithfulness.'
