The children have been introduced to 'partitioning' (splitting numbers up into tens and ones) this week. One of the biggest hurdles at their age is to not get tens and ones muddled up.
Last week we sowed parsley (the children were NOT impressed!), so this week we are sowing some flower seeds. We have been talking about the difference between garden plants and weeds.
"In science we made snow out of water and polymer. Polymer is used in baby nappies so they don't get wet. The wee goes inside the polymer. We pretended to by polymer and when the lady pretended to throw water on us we grew eight times bigger! It was brilliant trying to make a snowman with the snow, but it didn't work because it was too powdery and soft." (children's words)
We had another exciting morning of science today. We looked at different forces and had the chance to look through a periscope.
Todays lesson was learning all about the different seas that surround the U.K. We then made origami paper boats to put on each of the four seas. We refreshed our memories and named the countries and their capital cities, the children are getting very good at these now.
We had a visit from Shooting Stars today. After a whole school circus science assembly we had the chance to learn plate spinning. The children had great fun mastering the art of keeping the plate spinning and how different forces were needed to make this happen.


