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Term 6

Week 6

Week ending 16.7.21



What a lovely last week of term we have had!


We designed and made out of clay snails, which we then painted and glazed. Stunning!  At last, because the weather was kind, we managed to go outside and learn about Capacity. I like to do it when it is dry and sunny, as inevitably, the children in their excitement, get a little wet!!  We had great fun learning about litres and millilitres and even watered our potato plant at the same time!


On Friday we went outside for The Leavers' Service and basked in the beautiful sunshine.


In the morning, the children had earned a class party, because they had collected 20 marbles in the jar, through team effort. We had lots of party food and watched The BFG, which they loved, because we had been reading it in class.


I hope you all have a very well deserved break and look forward to seeing you in September.
