Friday 8th January 2021 - afternoon
Good afternoon Oak Class
I hope you got on OK with your spelling test, GPS and Maths lessons this morning. If you haven't yet completed them all (and I can see that quite a few of you have not done the spelling test yet!) please finish your work and send it over to me.
This afternoon's Computing lesson is outlined for you below.
Over the weekend, could you please make sure that you log on to G Suite and have a good look at Google Classroom as all your lessons will appear on there from Monday onwards (rather than here on the school website). Mrs Short and I are really excited about using Google Classrooms to teach you all. We may have some teething problems at the beginning, so please be patient with us next week!
Have a super weekend everyone and stay safe!
Mrs Godden x
LI: to learn about Morse Code and how it is used
In Computing we are learning about codes at the moment. Before Christmas, we looked at Semaphore. Today we are looking at Morse Code.
Please watch this short video:
Then look through the PowerPoint presentation below. This will give you some extra bits of information.
When you have finished, please complete the sheet of questions I have set, then do one or both of the other worksheets which will allow you to decode and encode (write) messages written in Morse Code.
As usual, please send me you work if you would like it to be marked. Some of the answers can be found at the bottom of the worksheets, so you can check your answers yourself when you have finished.
Computing (Morse Code) Resources
Friday 8th January 2021
ALERT - I realise that I set the spelling test with a 10-minute time limit, which is not enough time for some of you. I have set you a new 2Do with the same name, but with an a on the end - this test has no time limit, so please do this one instead. Sorry and thank you!
Good morning everyone!
It was great to hear from so many of you yesterday and to see what you are enjoying. French seemed to go down very well. Joanna made a Galette des Rois and it looks amazing - very professional Joanna! There are a few pictures below of her baking. I have also added all the PSHE artworks that I have received so far. If you haven't sent yours in yet, please email it over so that I can add it to the gallery.
Below are all this mornings lessons. This afternoon's Computing lesson will appear by lunchtime.
Have a great day everyone.
Stay safe.
Mrs Godden x
English – Spellings
First thing this morning, log on to Purple Mash at https://www.purplemash.com/sch/elham
Go to your 2Dos at the top of the page and open the spelling test for this week which includes 20 words from the Years 3/4 and 5/6 word lists. Complete the test, then copy out the words for next week’s test which will find below.
The spellings for the Week 2 of Term 3 are more homophones (same sound, different spelling).
In many of these pairs of words, the nouns end in -ce and the verbs end in -se.
These words will be tested on Friday 15th January.
advice (noun)
advise (verb)
practice (noun)
practise (verb)
aloud (to speak out loud)
allowed (permitted)
weather (rain, sun, etc.)
licence (noun)
license (verb)
device (noun)
devise (verb)
compliment (give approval)
complement (making up the total of something)
morning (a.m.)
mourning (the time after someone has died)
ascent (a climb up something)
assent (to give your agreement to something)
English - GPS
LI: to explore the functions of a colon
Today we are going to look at how to use a colon correctly. Watch this lesson to find out about colons. The beginning of the lesson revises parenthesis from yesterday’s lesson.
When you have finished watching the lesson, try the worksheets attached below. The answer sheets are provided, but you should only use these to check your answers – no cheating please!
GPS - Colons Worksheets
Today you are going to review and consolidate what you learnt yesterday about 3-D shapes. Firstly, log in to Classroom Secrets Kids at https://kids.classroomsecrets.co.uk/
You will find your personal login and password on the document below.
Watch the video on 3D shape assigned to you. Then try the Comparing 3D shapes activity.
You may also like to look through the PowerPoint presentation below as well.
If you need any more information on 3D shape, this is a really useful website:
Secondly, complete one of the sheets from the file below. I would like you to try either the 2 Star sheet or the 3 Star sheet. Decide which suits you best. Once you have completed the sheet, please send it to me for marking.
Maths Resources
Joanna' and Eddie's Galettes des Rois - how yummy does they look?!

PSHE Artworks

Thursday 7th January 2021
Good afternoon Oak Class!
I hope that you enjoyed this morning's lessons. We definitely had fun with French in class. Here is this afternoon's RE lesson. Hopefully next week I will be able to teach you live.
Have a good afternoon and email me your work please.
Best wishes
Mrs Godden x
Watch Newsround please so that you know what is happening in the world.
LQ: How do Christians use Jesus’s Gospel teachings to help others, particularly refugees and the homeless?
Please open the lesson plan below and work your way through it.
Remember to email me your completed work once you have finished it.
RE Lesson Plan and Resources
Thursday 7th January 2021
Good morning Oak Class!
Mrs Short and I received some great feedback about yesterday's lessons. We are really pleased that so many of you are engaging with your learning at home. From next week we will be able to meet live every day using Google Classrooms, which we are really looking forward to. You should have received your login details for Google Classrooms in an email to your parents today. Please do try to log on over the next day or two so that you are ready for when we go live with all our lessons next Monday.
This morning we will be doing some French and some Maths. All the links and resources you need are below as usual.
Have a great day everyone.
Mrs Godden x
LI: to learn all the spellings on the 3/4 and 5/6 word lists
Before we broke up for Christmas I forgot to give you any spellings to practise (I’m sure you didn’t miss them though!). Tomorrow morning, there will be a spelling test on Purple Mash which I will expect you to do (It will be set as a 2Do for you). I will be testing 20 random words from the Year 3/4 and 5/6 lists – 10 from each list and I will be able to see who has done the test and your scores. Please spend some time today looking at these and trying to learn as many as you can – you should know most of them by now. Copies of each spelling list are attached below in case you have lost your lists.
Tomorrow I will put your list of words for next week on our class page.
Year 3/4 and 5/6 Spelling Lists
LI: to learn about ‘La Fête des Rois’ (Epiphany) in France
This week in France, French families celebrate Epiphany (the arrival on the three kings) on 6th January. They call this ‘La Fête des Rois’ and they celebrate it as a family with a special cake called ‘La Galette des Rois’. Normally we learn about this in class, then share a galette. We find our king or queen. As we are not in school at the moment, you may like to do this at home instead.
These are the activities I would like you to do:
- Log in to Language Angels Home School at https://languageangels.com/homeschool/Use the login ElhamC1352 and the password lahome. Under Entry Level Challenge, click on Unit 8: Cultural Unit, then on Lesson One. Work through the lesson to learn all about La Fête des Rois. Do have a go at the challenges at the end please! You may like to print the worksheet to colour and label (in French) later.
- Read a bit more about the festival on the BBC Bitesize website and watch the video about a family celebrating the festival in France. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zm84kmn/articles/z7rf382
- Try to translate the French recipe below into English. You can use Google Translate to help if you don’t have a French dictionary at home.
- Make a galette and share it with your family as a French family would do. You can use the French recipe or the English version from the French chef, Raymond Blanc, which I usually use. There is also a crown template below which you can print out and use for your king and queen.
If you make and share a galette with your family, please take photos and send them to me so that we can share them with the class.
French Resources - La Fete des Rois
LI: To describe the properties of 3D shapes
Today we are going to be learning how to describe the properties of 3-D (three-dimensional) shapes.
Firstly, please watch this video from The National Academy:
You may skip the quiz at the beginning if you wish as it covers co-ordinates.
There are worksheets which you will use throughout the lesson and you can print them out in advance from the file below.
Remember to do the quiz at the end and let me know how you got on with everything please!
Maths - 3D Shape Resources
Wednesday 6th January 2021
Good afternoon everyone!
I hope you enjoyed this morning's English and Maths lessons with Oak Academy. Do let us know how you found them. It is very quiet in class without you all, but we hope you are finding it easy to learn at home again.
Below you will find your activities for this afternoon. Have fun and remember to send me any work that can be shared on our class page.
Stay safe!
Mrs Godden xx
Watch Newsround please. Try to remember to do this every day after lunch so that you keep yourself up-to-date with what is happening in the news. Here for this morning’s broadcast which you can copy and paste into your browser:
LI: to keep fit during lockdown
Put on your PE kit and get active this afternoon by following Joe Wicks’ workout from the beginning of the first lockdown. From next week, Joe will be live every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning. If you have brothers and sisters at home, then try to get them to follow the workout along with you. This is the link to take you to the video:
LI: to think about what is important to us
Normally on a Thursday afternoon we would have a P4C session in class. As we cannot do this easily with us all being at home, I am giving you a PSHE activity to do instead.
Think about which objects say most about you as a person. On a blank piece of paper, draw a large picture of yourself (use a mirror to help if you want to) – no stick figures please, a proper picture! Around the outside of your portrait, draw five or six objects which say the most about you (for example – your hobbies, likes and dislikes, pets, friends, favourite books or games, etc.) Under each picture write a short sentence explaining what the item is and what it says about you as a person. Don’t forget to put your name on your work and to colour it in to make it look attractive!
When you have finished, please scan your work or take a photo and send it to me at fionagodden@elham.kent.sch.uk and I will make a gallery of them on our class page.
Wednesday 6th January
Good Morning Oak class!
Thank you to all of you who have sent me work-It been great to see how hard you are working at home.
Today I want you to be my guinea pigs- not literally!!!
I have put the link into some more interactive teaching and I want you to work through the lessons and feedback to me what you think. This will be more like the work we will be doing when we have the Google classrooms fully set up next week. There is an English activity and a Maths activity. If you finish both you can complete the work I set earlier in the week!
Mrs Godden will upload some PSHE and PE activities for you to do this afternoon.
Hello again Oak Class,
It was lovely to see you all this morning- we do miss you at school!
Mrs Godden and I have been trying out some of the google classrooms resources this morning and we are looking forward to teaching you more interactively next week. It will be much more like being at school and we will have a set timetable each day with interactive lessons. Hopefully it will be as close to being at school as we can get while you are at home. You will have to bear with us as we learn all the things we can do!
This afternoon we are going to start our new topic for the term. The title of our topic is The Global Community and we are going to learn all about world geography, global issues and how the countries of the world can work together to solve problems- quite apt in the middle of a global pandemic!
As part of the topic I want you to choose a country you are interested in and produce your own mini topic about it. I will give you tasks to complete and this is something you can easily do at home.
For this afternoon's task I want you to decide what country you want to do and design a front cover for your mini topic- try to incorporate the flag of your country and some pictures that are relevant.
You can do this by hand or on a computer. Make sure you include the name of the country too! You can email me your title pages!
I look forward to seeing which countries you choose!
Mrs Short x
Tuesday 5th January
Good Morning Oak Class!
I am looking forward to seeing you all in the Zoom meeting at 9am. I'm really sad that you are not going to be able to come back to school for a while.
Today I would like you to finish the writing you should have started yesterday and email me your final copy. If you did finish it yesterday, please write a book review of the book you are currently reading and tell me why you like it, what it is about and who your favourite character is.
For maths I would like you to do another Big Maths sheet- if you want to challenge yourself try the next level up.
I will add some topic work later and explain what our topic is this term.
See you all at 9.
Mrs Short xx
Hello From me again-
Here is your science for this afternoon. As you will remember, we had started the unit on Living Things and their Habitats and we were looking at systems for the classification of living things.
Please go through the attached powerpoint carefully and then do the quiz- you can look back at the powerpoint for answers. You will have to do it individually as we can't put you in teams!
When you have done that please complete the worksheet where you need to use your computer or tablet to find out the classification of particular species- you can do more than one if you want.
Have a good afternoon! We will be setting up a Zoom meeting for you all tomorrow.
Mrs Short x
Hello again year 6
Unfortunately the internet has been down at school so I couldn't put your maths on until now- but here it is!
As we don't know what is going to happen later in the week I want you to do some big maths sheets to get you back in the mood for maths. I have put two tests up for each level. Green group can start on the level 4 sheets, red group on the 4/5 sheets and Blue group on level 5. As an extra challenge if you want to you can move up to the next level once you have done your first sheet. There is a level 5/6 for anyone who wants to really stretch themselves!! This should be enough for today and tomorrow.
If you get stuck try your best but move on if you really can't do a question. We haven't done algebra yet so don't worry about algebra questions!
Please email me your completed work.
Science will be up later
Mrs Short x
Monday 4th January
Good Morning and Happy New Year Oak Class!!!
I'm really sad that we are not all going to be in school today and I hope this will not be for long. For the next couple of days I am going to put work here on the class page for you, but if you do have to stay at home for longer we are changing to a more interactive way of teaching you from next week.
First thing this morning I would like you to think about your Christmas - it has been a strange year for everyone and Christmas was different as we could not have large family gatherings or parties. I would like you to write about your Christmas and reflect on what was the same, what was different and how you felt about the changes. Did you miss family members, did you do something different that you will do gain next year?
Don't just write a recount- reflect and analyse how things felt for you and your family.
You can email me your writing to my school email address.
You can plan and draft your writing today and complete it tomorrow.
I will add some maths later and science for this afternoon - I need to scan some documents and upload them - but you can start your writing!
Have a good day
Mrs Short xx