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Term 4

Friday 10th April 2020 (Good Friday)


Good afternoon everyone!


What another lovely day we have today. I hope you are able to do some outdoor activities safely today and over the weekend.


I would like to share some work with you that Ed has done. He has created a super animation using his lego - well done Ed! Have a look at the video below. Perhaps you could try something similar? Whatever you are up to, if you create something interesting, please send it in and I will put it on our class page. (Please note that videos cannot be bigger than 75mb though.)


Also below is a Happy Easter animation which Mr File sent to all the teachers and which I thought you might enjoy too!


Have a wonderful Easter and stay safe!


Mrs Godden x

Ed's Lego Animation

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Wednesday 8th April


Good morning everyone!


It's another lovely bright warm day and I hope that you will all be able to get outside and enjoy the sunshine. I will definitely be out in my garden later.


Just a reminder that James Campbell will be making us all laugh again this afternoon at 4pm - look for The Freedom Readers on Facebook to find him.


If you would like to learn more about the farming and animals, have a look at this website. There are lots of interesting videos to watch and fun activities to try.


Have a great day.


Mrs Godden x





Tuesday 7th April

Good Morning Oak Class,

It's very strange today because I am in school looking after the few children we have here while their parents are working. I'm sitting at my desk and all I can hear are the birds singing outside- I miss your chatter and constant questions!!

I hope you are all well and are finding plenty to do to fill up the days. Thanks to those of you who have contacted me and Mrs Godden- it's lovely to hear how you all are. Keep dipping into the work we have set for you to do over the holidays and enjoy the beautiful weather (safely of course!)

Take care, stay safe and well and I really hope we see you all again soon.

love from 

Mrs Short xx


P.S. If you are interested in space and astronauts, there is a live question and answer session with an astronaut on the International Space Station this afternoon at 2pm. It's not often you get to see an astronaut live!  Just follow this link:

Friday 3rd April


A quick update - Purple Mash have changed their 2Email settings, so you can now attach work saved onto your own PC when emailing us.  Please try it out and send us something you have done.


Good morning Oak Class


As promised, below are the spellings for you to learn over the Easter break - they are all from the Year 5/6 list.


Normally, just before Easter, we would make woven paper baskets to take our Easter eggs home in. If you would like to try making a basket at home instead, this is the video we follow in class -


One other skill you might like to learn whilst we all stay safe at home is to touch type - I learnt at school and it is a very useful skill to have. You can learn online at Purple Mash - go to Computing and then click on 2Type.


Please make sure you also read the messages posted by Mrs Short and me yesterday about your other Easter projects.


Best wishes


Mrs Godden x






















Thursday 2nd April


Good Morning Oak Class


I hope you are all well and keeping busy. Although it is now officially the Easter Holidays we are setting some activities for you to do over the holidays. 

If you want to, you can continue with some of the work we have previously set or choose activities from the Easter Learning Grid which I have attached. You can do a bit of both too if you prefer. Hopefully this will give you lots to occupy yourselves over the holidays as you won't be able to be out and about.

If the lockdown continues after the end of the Easter Break we will continue to set weekly learning for you.

Do get outside if you can. The weather look set to get much warmer. I have been preparing a veg patch in my garden so I hope to have some home grown vegetables by the summer!

Take care and stay safe. 


Love from 


Mrs Short xx



Hello Everyone


Mrs Godden here! As well as the activities which Mrs Short has told you about above, I would love you to create a photo collage of your Easter break to share with the rest of the class. Full instructions are given on the document below. I really look forward to seeing them all!


Just a reminder that if you want to do book quizzes from home, this is the link to Accelerated Reader -


And finally, I shall be putting up the next set of spellings here on Friday and the test for these will go live on Friday 17th April.


Like Mrs Short, I am going out to do some gardening too. My lawn is long enough for small animals to be hiding in it! Have a great Easter everyone and keep in touch.




Mrs Godden xx


Easter Photo Collage Project

Photo Collage Examples

Term Four, Week Six


As promised earlier today, you will find an audio file below this message with this week's spelling test recorded for you. I would love to know how you get on with it - is it too fast/too slow? How well did you score? Email and let me know please.


I realised after I recorded it that I had not included a Year 3/4 and a Year 5/6 word. Sorry about that. I will make sure I do this next time.


Good luck!


Mrs Godden 

This Week's Spelling Test - Friday 3rd April 2020

Wednesday 1st April 2020


Good morning Oaks


I hope you are all well on this sunny April morning? As it is April Fools' Day, did you play any jokes on your family?


Just a reminder that if you want to listen to James Campbell reading again, he is on The Freedom Readers on Facebook at 3pm. Plus, don't forget that there is singing with Alex every afternoon at 3pm on Youtube.


Today may be the last day of term, but we will be staying in touch regularly on our class page over the holidays, so don't forget to check in every day or two. We will also be putting up some fun activity ideas to help keep you occupied over the break.


Finally, I will be recording our weekly spelling test from now on, so you will be able to listen to me and pretend you are taking your weekly test in class! It will be online by Friday morning.


Enjoy the Easter break as much as you can.


Stay safe


Mrs Godden x


Monday 30th March 2020


Bonjour Tout Le Monde!


Guess what, Oak Class? I did the Joe Wicks workout this morning. I didn't realise how unfit I am and I have muscles aching now that I didn't know I had!  I would love to know how many of you are doing this each day. I am going to try and do it every day from now on.


Here are this week's spellings - they are all commonly used adverbs. Try to get someone to test you on them at the end of the week. I would also like you to complete page one of your 3/4 and 5/6 spelling workbooks that you took home with you.


Have a great day everyone and remember to stay in touch.


Mrs Godden x























Sunday 29th March 2020


Good afternoon Oak Class!


Like Mrs Short, I have been busy doing lots of tidying at home, both inside and out in the garden. As Mrs Short said, it was lovely to hear from some of you at the end of the week and to see how motivated you are to keep learning - keep up the good work!


As well as Mrs Short's project work and poetry writing (detailed below), please try to do a little French on Duolingo and some Computing - you could choose a project which appeals to you from Hour of Code ( There are plenty to choose from, and they are designed so that you can self-teach and they only take an hour each.


Below are the English and Maths tasks for each day this week. We know that term ends on Wednesday, but have added the whole week in case you get bored on Thursday and Friday!


For English, there are several tasks set each day (comprehension, writing, GPS work) - you don't have to do it all. Just choose what you like the look of and do as much as you can.


Tomorrow, I will put on some weekly spellings for you to learn.


Stay safe everyone.


Mrs Godden x

Sunday 29th March


Hello Oak Class

I hope you are all OK and finding plenty to do at home. I've been doing lots of baking and making bread and I've had a huge clear out of all my horse equipment- my tack room has never been so clean and tidy! 


I would like you to do another task for the country project I set you. 

This week please can you find out all about the main features of your country- for example climate, main cities, population and landscape. You can draw and label a map too.


I would also like you to do some writing this week. I have written a poem called "When this is over" all about the things I want to do when we are free to leave our homes again. I have used a repeating line to link the poem together and I would like you to do the same. 

I have attached my poem so you can use it as a model for your writing. 

Please can you email me your poems so I can mark them.

I'm really looking forward to reading them.


I miss you all, so keep me and Mrs Godden up to date with what you have been doing. It was lovely to receive some emails from you last week.


Stay safe and well everybody


Mrs Short xx

Friday 27th March 2020


Happy Friday Everyone!


As we come to the end of our first week of home learning, we would love to hear how you are all getting on and to see some of your work if possible. You can email us at any time, either on our school emails or through Purple Mash.


Yesterday I sent your all a message through Purple Mash about using Duolingo to learn some French.  As promised, attached below is a document with all your logins on it. Please visit, log in and give it a go. Remember to tell me how you find it.


Also, remember to check back here on Sunday evening - Mrs Short and I will have uploaded all the lessons for next week by then.


Have a great weekend everyone - try to get outside in the sunshine as much as you safely can.


Stay safe.


Mrs Godden 

Wednesday 25th March

Hello Oak Class,

I hope you are all finding plenty to do on the website and also finding time to go in the garden and enjoy this beautiful weather.

I would really like to hear what you have been up to and how you are finding learning at home. Please can you send me and Mrs Godden a weekly email in Purple Mash to let us know how you have been getting on.

I am also going to set some writing tasks for you to do. You can either type them up and email them to me or write them in your exercise books. i will set the first one next week and I will also give you the next task for your country project.

If you are doing any artwork we would love to see photos- you can post them on the school Facebook page or email them to us.

Stay safe and well Oak Class

Love to all of you and your families


Mrs Short xxx



Term Four, Week Five


Wednesday 25th March 2020


Good morning everyone!


How are you all doing? Well, I hope.  Just a couple of things you may be interested in today.  Firstly, you can join in a live sing-song at 3pm by visiting 'Singing with Alex' on YouTube at

He will be doing this at the same time every day, starting from today.


Or, if you would prefer to listen to a story being read to you, David Walliams will be reading from his books each day at 11am (but you can still listen after that) at


And one of our other favourite authors, James Campbell, will be reading a chapter from 'Boyface' live at 3pm this afternoon on Facebook Live. Visit 'The Freedom Readers' at for more details.


Remember to keep letting Mrs Short and I know what you are up to each day. A quick email really cheers us up!


Stay safe.


Mrs Godden

Term Four, Week Five


Tuesday 24th March 2020


Good afternoon everyone. I hope that you have all managed to get out in the sunshine today. I have been out doing a few chores in the garden as well as doing my homework for my Italian lesson tonight. We will be meeting up by a video link, which should be fun!


I have added a few resources for you below, in case you would like to do a little French or RE this week.


Remember to let me or Mrs Short know what you are up to. We are missing seeing you all each day and would love to see what work you have been doing.


Stay safe.


Mrs Godden



I know a lot of you enjoy learning French. You can play all the online language games at (the website we use in class). Click on Pupil Games Area at the top of the screen and login using elhampupils, with password lafrenchgames. The games are divided up by level of challenge and by subject. If you want to practise what we have learnt this term, click on 'A l'Ecole'.


There are some great videos to help you learn on the BBC website.  Have a look at:




We were studying the importance of Easter to Christians this term. Attached below are two lessons, each with a video to watch and activities to complete. 


If you want to find out more, there are lots of short videos for KS2 children about Easter at

Term Four, Week Five


Monday 23rd March 2020


Hi Year 6


Mrs Godden and I hope you are all well. We will miss you loads, but we are going to put plenty on here to keep you busy. Please just try to do what you can.


Every day we would like you to read for at least half an hour. Try to do a little on Prodigy Maths each day too.


Each day you will find an English and a Maths activity for you to do.  Don't worry if you don't have a printer - you can read on screen and write all your answers in the exercise books we gave you. The answers for each day are given at the bottom of each file, so your parents can mark your work.


Mrs Short has also set a project for you to do over the next two terms. Each week, she will add a task for you to complete. This week's task is set out on the document below. Don't forget to email her your work, if you can.



You can keep fit by joining in the Joe Wick's daily PE lesson for children at 9am every morning. Join him online at

Also try to do something outdoors every day, as long as it is safe to do so.



If you would like to do a bit of fun science each week, have a look at Dr Chips' website and choose an activity to try.



If you would like to continue with some computing, then you can use anything on Purple Mash. Why not try using 2Code to learn programming? There are video tutorials to help you. You can start with 'Chimp', but if this is too easy, move on to 'Gibbon' or 'Gorilla'. Plus, you can also create your own projects in Scratch, or remix other people's. You will need to create an account for yourself at


Keeping In Touch

We would love to hear how you are doing as often as possible. If you have work, you can send it to us by emailing us using 2Email on Purple Mash. Your parents can contact us as well at and, or they can post a message in the Elham Primary group on Facebook.


We look forward to hearing how you are getting on.


Stay safe and well.


Mrs Short and Mrs Godden

Year 6 Project Terms 4 and 5

Term Four, Week Three

This has been a really exciting week with lots of hands-on activities as it was Science Week. On Monday we had a 'Microbe Mayhem' workshop with Mrs Attwood.


On Tuesday, Sarah's mum, Mrs Levett, came it and looked at chemical reactions with us.


On Wednesday, Karen Stanley from Affinity Water visited us and carried out different activities with each class. In Oak class, she told us where most of the water in our area comes from (it is pumped out of aquifers in the White Cliffs of Dover) and how it is treated to make it safe before it reaches our homes and school. Then, in teams, we had to build a water network making sure each place on the map (homes, school, factory, farm, etc.) got its fair share of water. Some teams were more successful that others, but it helped us understand how difficult it is to ensure a consistent water supply to everyone.


Building a Water Network

Still image for this video

Owl Demonstration

Still image for this video

Owl Video2

Still image for this video

Owl Demonstration

Term Four, Week Two

Following our marvellous week on the Isle of Wight last week, things got back to normal this week and we returned to working hard in the classroom.


In Literacy with Mrs Short, we were asked to write a recount of our week at PGL. There was so much to say that some of our found it hard to know what to include and what to leave out, but we all succeeded in producing some excellent writing. With Mrs Godden in our GPS lessons, we have been looking at verbs and tenses, and at modal (or auxillary) verbs. Did you know that these are verbs which cannot work on their own, such as can, will, should , would, could, might, ought to and may?  They show how probable it is that something might happen. e.g. I will go swimming tomorrow (certain). It should stop raining later (probable).


This was also the week when we found out which secondary schools we had been allocated. Amazingly, everyone was offered their first choice of school, so we were all delighted at this news. In term six, Oak Class will be having some sessions to help them on transitioning to secondary. These will cover areas such as uniform, behaviour, orgranisational skills, bullying and travelling to school by bus.


Finally, we had a real treat on Friday afternoon when we had an hour's workshop with Tony Charles, a science magician. He showed us some magic tricks based on scientific facts, then taught us how to do them. By looking through a tube of paper with one eye and holding up our other hand next to the tube, we appeared to have a hole in our hands! We also tried to fit as many drops of water on a penny before the surface tension of the water ruptured and the water overflowed - the winner with 62 drops was Saoirse, but Rosa was almost as close with 61 drops. Well done the twins! It was a really fun and interesting way in which to finish our week.  Have a look at the photos below to see us in action!



Sonny performing a 'magic' trick

Still image for this video

Term Four, Week One

Finally, this was the week of our residential trip to PGL's Little Canada on the Isle of Wight. We had a fantastic time, pushing ourselves to try new activities and challenges and we came home with lots of wonderful memories.


A day by day account with photos (over 1000 of them!) can be found by visiting the Residential 2020 page at How many photos of yourself can you find and which is your favourite?

