Star of the Week
This weeks star of the week is Bear.
You have a had a great week and have been ready to learn. In maths you have worked so well and have demonstrated fabulous reasoning skills. During independent writing you worked quietly to complete your opening and build of our story. You are always happy to help in class too.
Well done. A great week Bear!
Boats that Float in DT!
Today we made tin foil boats and had a go at seeing if they would float with a sweet as the passenger.
The Bug Hotel is open for business!
The children have enjoyed making special rooms for the bug guests!
We planted our potato for the potato competition!
The children really enjoyed the cricket session on Monday with Molly from Kent Cricket.
In English we have been looking in more depth at the characters from our Talk for Writing story The Tiger who came to Tea. We used a drama technique called Role on the Wall where the children use an outline of a figure to visually map facts they already know about the character, feelings, emotions, thoughts and then questions they would like to ask the character.