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Happy Friday Oak Class!

I hope you are all well and enjoying the lovely weather (safely of course)!

It has been great this week to hear from so many of you and see your school work, art, cooking and other things you have been doing at home. please keep sending us your work.

I will be uploading some science and topic for next week in addition to the usual English and Maths.

I know it is difficult working from home but you are all doing a great job so far. I find that having a routine is helping me- I get up, feed my animals, ride my horse and muck out, do any jobs in my house and then do my school work and emails. When I have done all my jobs I have some free time- I'm usually out in my garden! 

I really hope you are all finding the work we have set easy to follow and don't forget that Mrs Godden and I are always contactable by email if you have any issues or want to share your work with us. 

Take care Oak Class- I miss you!


Mrs Short xxx

Friday 23rd April


Good morning everyone!


I cannot believe that another week has flown by and that it is Friday again already.  Below you will find this week's spelling test (I hope you have all been practising!) and a new set of words to learn for next week.


I have also put on some beautiful pictures which Saoirse and Rosa have created, as well as some photos of delicious Italian food which Zara has been making - it is making me hungry just looking at it. 


We know that you are all working hard at home and we are very proud of you all. Remember to keep in touch and send us some of your work from time to time. It is really good to be able to share with the class and inspire others to try something new.


Have a wonderful weekend - it promises to be sunny again - and check in on Monday morning for next week's lessons.


Stay safe.


Mrs Godden x


This week's spellings (more commonly tested words):























This Week's Spelling Test

Rosa and Saoirses' Pictures of Sicily and Zara's Italian Food

Wednesday 22nd April


Good morning to everyone in Oak Class!


Many of you have been in touch with news of what you have been doing, which is great. Below you will see Beth's beautiful Easter collage, a super animation by Sonny (inspired by Ed's film) and a useful video by Lucas explaining how to learn to touch type on Purple Mash.


Some of you are making excellent progress on Duolingo (Claire is a French superstar at the moment!) and have completed most of the units, so I have added a few more lessons on Travel. If you haven't started Duolingo yet, I have extended the deadline for each unit until the end of May, so please give it a go.


I have also added some more objectives to Prodigy Maths, so you should see some different questions appearing.


Enjoy the sunshine and stay safe.


Mrs Godden x

Beth's Easter Collage

Sonny's Animation

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Monday 20th April

Hi Oak Class


We hope that you had a lovely weekend and are ready for some school work now! Here are all your lessons for the week. Remember - if you are unsure of anything, just ask.


English and Maths

Plans for this week are attached below. There are only three days for you to do this week - this will give you a chance to catch up if you have not yet completed the work from last Thursday and Friday. Next week we will start a new unit with lessons for each day.


Remember to keep reading every day and doing your book quizzes on Accelerated Reader.

Also remember to keep practising your maths on Prodigy.

This week’s spellings are shown on last week's page. The test for these words will be online by Friday.



This term our science theme is Humans and Other Animals, and I have attached the resources we would have used including the lesson plan and guidance which may help your parents explain what you have to do. The first lesson is about the circulatory system The worksheets have one, two or three stars with three being the most challenging. Choose the one you feel most confident doing.

you can stick your work in the exercise books we gave you. if it takes you more than  one session to do the work that is fine. Please contact me if you need any help.



I would like you to continue with your projects on a specific country. 

This week I would like you to find out about the traditional food they eat in your country. Write about it, find pictures and, if you can, try making something for yourself. Send me pictures please!!



Please keep working through all the exercises we have set you on Duolingo. If you haven't started, please do so. If you have done lots already, a new set of lessons on People has been added to your assignments.



Please complete the Jukebox project on the micro:bit - Click on 'Open in MakeCode'. Make sure you save your work, including your name in the file name! When you have finished, please email your .hex file to Mrs Godden (this can be found in your Downloads folder). She will be able to see and mark your work. 



We are continuing with Salvation and this week's Learning Question is 'How do Christians worship on Good Friday and Easter Sunday?


First watch these two video clips - taking notes will be helpful:


Next do a little online research about how Christians worship on both days - the two days can be celebrated very differently as Good Friday is a sad day and Easter Sunday is more joyous. You may also find that different Christian groups have different traditions.


Finally, write two pieces in your English book explaining how each day is celebrated. Remember to answer the questions 'Who, Where, Why and What?'. You may like to print and add some of the photos from the sheet attached to illustrate your answers.


Have a good week everyone, and stay safe.


Mrs Godden and Mrs Short xx


P.S. Theo and his mum made a great video of Theo being interviews as Harry Potter from last week's English lessons. It's really funny, so we have added it below for your to enjoy.

Theo's Job Interview

Still image for this video