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Church of England Primary School

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Welcome back to Term 5, I hope you all had a lovely break.  

In maths this week, we have been completing calculations that have missing numbers.  We have been using inverse operations to check our answers, and asking ourselves, 'Does it make sense?'  We started our new History based topic; The Victorians and found out who Queen Victoria was.  We learnt about the unpopular Kings before her and how she never expected to be a Queen.  We are also doing a History based unit in French this term; La Maison Tudor (House of Tudor).  This week, we learnt about Henry VII and the War of the Roses.  We recognised some words, and even linked some to our own language and Spanish!  Year 5 started their forest school sessions for the term; they picked wild garlic and had this with eggs. Year 4 started their SRE session, looking at the human lifecycle, and answered questions such as, what can a child do that a baby can't, and did this for each of the stages of a human. 
