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Church of England Primary School

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Star of the week

This weeks Star of the Week is Wilfred.

Wilfred, you have had a great week. We have been so impressed with your handwriting, you really are working hard to form your letters correctly and remember your finger spaces. You wrote a super spine poem about a Christmas Tree this week too. 


You are an excellent wise man in our nativity this year and have demonstrated your super acting and dancing skills!


Well done Wilfred, keep it up. 

Today the children presented It's a Baby! live on zoom. It was fantastic!

The children have worked so hard - well done everyone. 

We went on a lovely walk around Elham, looking for signs of Christmas.  The children predicted what they thought they would see before we went (christmas trees, elves, blow-snowmen etc) and how many they thought we would see, and then we did a tally of the things we actually saw.

We had a visit from the fire service today.  It was very informative and the children learned some rhymes to help them remember what to do in an emergency.

Last week your children wrote amazing spine poems, re-wrote them in order to focus on presenting them beautifully and then recited them.  The end product was beautiful!

This week the focus is on write a spine poem about Christmas trees.  The children worked beautifully in groups thinking up words to put in their poems, with one child acting as secretary.  We put the words up on the flipchart and the children each highlighted their favourite line, the most popular being 'chocolate reindeers melting'.
