Salve! Roman invasion in Beech class today!
What a long term! We're into our last week and learning all about Time in Maths. Lots of children are finding it hard to tell the time from a standard analogue clock, so they're going to be doing lots of practising at home! In English we're learning all about Black History Month and looking forward to writing about a journey on the Empire Windrush.
Today the children have brought home their new Reading Records. These are to be completed at home and brought in to school on Friday. They will be returned to children on Mondays each week. The Purple Mash scheme didn't work for many families, so we're back to the old format!
Children have also brought next term's spellings lists home today. The test on the first list will be on the Tuesday after half term. If you lose the list, don't worry, they are on the class webpage under the "Spellings" star!
Roman "wow" day - Friday 23rd October!
Dress up in your favourite toga or legionaire's outfit if you want to - no accessories allowed in school though - thanks for your understanding.
Or just come in your normal Elham uniform ready for a day of Roman fun!