Term 4
Week 1
Week ending 25.2.22
How lovely to see all the children back safe and sound after such a windy half term!
What have we learned this week?
'I learned my 2 x table.'
'I learned how to add the suffixes 'ing' and 'ed' to verbs with a short vowel sound and one consonant.'
'I learned about things associated with Easter.'
'I learned how to draw and interpret pictograms.'
'I learned how to draw and interpret bar charts.'
'I learned how to do a survey of Willows' favourite birds.'
'I learned how to do a bar chart based on my survey results.'
'I learned how to compare the suitability of different materials using describing vocabulary.'
'I learned how make the outline of a Tudor style house.'
'I learned that male and female animals are different.'