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Term 4

Hello Acorns

I hope you are all getting on well and staying fit and healthy.

Next week our learning would have been about Easter.

Make a handwriting pattern on an Easter Egg.

Learn some of the Easter Story.

At school we would be consolidating all of the digraphs we have learnt so far.

Put those sounds together to make and read words. 

Learn the sound ear, as in the word - hear



Try to recognise numbers to 20, count out objects for a given number.

Use shapes or toys, (lego) to make repeating patterns.


Eat lots of Easter Eggs wink


Term 4 Jungle Animals

Hi lovely Acorns. This week our learning is about Jungle animals.

You can find the story I would have been using on You Tube 

Walking through the Jungle

You can read this and the ask the children to change what the animals are doing.




Have a look at the phonics power point look at a sound daily ou, ow, ar, read and write the words. Go through the tricky words, read and write them on a white board. You could make a bingo card with tricky words on and play together. Write down the words for the sh pictures, fish ship etc.

Maths is subtraction, grab some objects, toys or animals if you have them. Pretend they are in a jungle and take them away. Write the number sentence on your white board

6 - 2 = 4 show this with the animals


You can do this with anything you have but counting out physically shows what is happening and then writing the numbers down while counting. Then get them to do some.


Modelling what you want the child to do at this age is key.


Have a look at where animals live and why they live there. Why do Polar bears live in the Arctic, and Lions hide in long dry grass, and snakes have patterns. Should be look after where animals live? Conservation and habitat.


A lot of this is discussion and things online. You could make animal patterns with paint or build animal shelters in the garden.

Term 4 Week 3

Wow! What a fab Science week we've had. 


On Monday we learnt all about washing our hands.

Tuesday Mrs Levett told us all about the human body.
Wednesday we learnt about the water cycle. All the children played a different part.
Thursday the Owls came in. We watched them fly across the hall and learnt about the different owls in the UK>
Throughout the rest of the week our learning has been based on woodland animals. We have learnt where they live and built shelters for them.
We made some lovely animal shelters at Forest School. 
The children worked really well with our whole school science experiment. We needed to find out which was the most stretchy sweet. We made our predictions and discussed a fair test. There were a lot of variables between the sweets. Some were thin, some were fat and some were squishy. In the end we decided if they didn't break that they were strong and stretchy. The jelly lips and teeth were the winners.

Term 4 Week 2

This week we have read a lovely story called the Bog Baby. It is about a little creature who lives in a magic pond. It deals with issues about creatures and their natural environments and habits. It is also a lovely story and great for descriptive language. 

We were lucky enough to miss the rain and went for a walk to the Nailbourne to see if we could find some Bog babies. We didn't but we did find some fresh water shrimps.
Fine Motor and handwriting activities are still a big part of our day. 
Wow! We started science week a bit early and had great fun watching a magician this morning.

Term 4 Week 1

We've had a great first week back. The children have come back full of enthusiasm and are showing great progress with their reading and writing. Its hard to believe where they started only a few months ago.

This week we have thought about Pancake day, tasted yummy pancakes and learnt about the Christian meaning behind the day. Thanks Miss Knight for the pancakes.

We were lucky enough to fill in a spare session for PE with Josh and Jack this week. The children learnt some gymnastic movements and names for body shapes. Super behaviour too!
Our learning this week has been about mini beasts, we have labelled them in literacy, looked for them at Forest School and measured then in maths.