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Church of England Primary School

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Here are next weeks spellings. The spelling challenge for these spellings will be on Friday 9 December. 

Star of the Week

This weeks Star of the Week is Lois.

Well done for working so hard this week and really persevering when you have been faced with a challenge. 

Table of the Week

Tigers are this weeks table of week. Don't forget your show and tell on Monday.


Sorry tigers, I forgot to get a photo!

In RE today the children have been looking at images of several different nativity sets from around the world as Christmas is celebrated by Christians in many countries. We then looked at our own nativity scene and discussed which characters we could remove and still keep the the Christian meaning of Christmas and Incarnation. 

The children made it outside for a fun netball session today. 

The children have been practising their sewing skills and are making something festive to hang on the Christmas tree. 
