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Church of England Primary School

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School results

KS2 results 2023/24


Please note that we had four children in year 6 who were disapplied from the tests but are included in the provisional data.

Keystage 1 and Keystage 2 results for 2022-23

22-23 SATs Results

2020-2021 (19 in cohort)

Children returned to school in Sept 2020 homeschooling since March. Homeschooled again January- March 2021


Sept 2020

Dec 2020

April 2021

End of year


EXS  53% (10)

WTS 47%  (9)

GD 5% (1)

EXS 79% (15)

WTS 16% (3)

GD 16%  ( 3)

EXS 68%  (13)

WTS 16%  (3)

GD   28% (5)

EXS 68% (13)

WTS 5%  (1)

95% of our children achieved the expected level or better.


GD 47% (9)

EXS 37% (7)

WTS 18% (3)

GD  43% (8)

EXS  48%   (9)

WTS 5% (1)

GD   84%(16)

EXS   10% (2)

WTS 5% (1)

GD 84% (16)

EXS 18% (3)

100% of our children achieved the expected level or better.


(Teacher Assessment)

GD 5% (1)

EXS 84% (16)

WTS 18%  (3)

No test data

No test data

GD  28%(5)

EXS  53% (12)

WTS  10% (2)

90% of our children achieved the expected level or better.

During the pandemic, children across the country did not sit statutory SATs assessment.  Therefore, data was not reported.

We were able to gather data based on formal tests (maths and reading and teacher assessment writing)

Dates tests were given vary due to lockdown and homeschooling.

GD = Greater depth

EXS = Expected level

WTS = Working towards the expected level

(We are aware that percentages don’t always quite add up due to rounding)


2019-2020 (20 in cohort)

Homeschooling March to June 2020- returned to school Term 6

Cohort went down to 19 in January



Sept 2019

Dec 2019

Feb 2020

End of year


GD 10% (2)

EXS  45% (9)

WTS 35% (7)

GD 20% (4)

EXS 70% (14)

WTS 10% (2)

GD 37%  (8)

EXS 63 % (11)


GD 37%  (8)

EXS 63 % (11)

100% of our children achieved the expected level or better.



GD 30% (6)

EXS 45% (9)

WTS 25% (9)

GD  60% (12)

EXS 30% (6) 

WTS 10% (2)

GD   63% 13)

EXS   32% (5)

WTS 5%  (1)

GD 79%  (15)

EXS  21%  (4)

100% of our children achieved the expected level or better.



(Teacher Assessment)

GD 20%(4)

EXS 60% (12)

WTS 20% (4)

No test data

No test data

GD   25% (5)

EXS   65% (12)

WTS   10% (2)

90% of our children achieved the expected level or better.

2018-2019 Results summary

2017-2018 Results Summary Sheet

2016-2017 Results Summary Sheet

School Performance Tables

For school performance tables, follow this link.
