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Church of England Primary School

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This week we did some counting in multiples of 10, ensuring we use our place value knowledge especially when using larger numbers.  We also started to round numbers using place value.  In English, we explored how the character's feelings have changed in different parts of the story, and how you can experience contrasting emotions at the same time.  The children wrote some fabulous descriptive sentences of the volcano erupting, thinking carefully about the sentence structure and word choices.  In topic, we discovered more about the Roman army and what made them so powerful.  We wrote job applications, applying for a position as a Legionary, and explained why we would be so good for the job.  In RE we learnt what a covenant was and described our opinions of God from the story of Noah.  The opinions were mixed, as some believed he shouldn't have killed all living things by sending the flood, and some said that the humans would've destroyed the earth and killed themselves eventually anyway!  Wednesday was our trip to the ploughing match where we spent the day having lots of fun.  We saw lots of animals, watched the birds of prey display, dog racing and of course many many tractors of all different shapes, sizes and ages ploughing the field.  

On Thursday we started the day with maths where we continued to learn about finding the area of rectangles, on Friday we applied this knowledge to finding the area of compound shapes. In GPS we continued to learn about punctuation, focusing this week on the many uses of commas! Our science topic moved on to look at the impact of global warming and we focused on rising sea levels as a result of melting ice (see pictures below for the experiment). As the children worked so hard we ended the afternoon watching a particular episode of Frozen Planet that focused on the destruction of icy habitats as a result of climate change. The children were able to then make links between what we had been learning and the devastating effects this is having on our planet. In computing we moved on to look at networks and completed an unplugged activity that looked at networks in our own life making the concept of digital networks easier to grasp. In PSHE we looked at resilience building upon what we have been learning in the previous week. Now the children have the understanding of their own superpowers they are able to tackle their fears head on with confidence. Each child identified a fear and set out a plan of smaller, bite size steps so they could break their fear down into easier parts to conquer. In music we practiced our Harvest Festival performance which we look forward to showing you next Friday in the church.  

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Hall and Miss Laslett

Ploughing Match Wednesday 27th September 2023 - Well done Phoenix for winning the Welly throwing competition in the under 12s category

SCIENCE EXPERIMENT - Land vs Sea Ice and their effect on sea level
