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Church of England Primary School

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We are considering a different approach to the spellings in Willow class to ensure the spellings are more relevant to our learning and have the maximum benefit for the children. The new spelling approach will be implemented next week and will be communicated to parents and children. There will be no spellings going home with the children this week.  

Star of the Week

This weeks Star of the Week is Emily. We have been so impressed with the quality of your independent work this week. Well done and keep it up!

Table of the Week

Elephants are this weeks table of the week. Remember to bring in your show and tell on Monday!

In Art this week the children have been looking at the primary colours and why they are called primary colours. They then had a go at seeing how many hues of colour they could make using two primary colours (yellow and blue)

Balancing, rolling and jumping in gymnastics today. 

The children's purses and wallets have been filled with a variety of coins. We spent our Maths lesson today identifying the different coins and making different amounts. 

In English our focus text is A Walk in London by Salvatore Rubbino. Today the children went for a walk around the school grounds. At certain points we stopped to recall the places we had been to so far (first we passed, then we walked through etc.) Once back in the classroom the children worked in pairs and used a map of the school to talk about their walk and practice the language of chronology, recount and narrative. 
