Star of the week
This weeks 'star of the week' is Isaac.
Isaac, you are always ready to learn and you take great care with your work. Your independent writing of our WOW day was fantastic and you read it out beautifully. You were a brilliant innkeeper in our nativity play and remembered all the actions to the songs which we filmed today.
Well done on a great week Isaac.
It's Panto time!
We have had an exciting day in Hazel class. The children's costumes were amazing! We were lucky enough to watch Jack and the Beanstalk this afternoon - it was great fun.
KS1 Nativity 2020
We have been busy filming this year's nativity 'Are we nearly there yet'. The children have ALL been amazing and we cannot wait for you to see it!
Odd and even numbers are our maths topic this week. The children are investigating if numbers are odd or even by sharing monster food between two monsters. If there's a piece left over then they started out with an odd number. We have been chanting this rhyme also to embed the numbers:
Zero, two, four, six, eight,
Even numbers are so great!
One, three, five, seven, nine,
Odd numbers are friends of mine!
our town with street numbers

Odd and even number rhyme

sharing monster food (cubes) between two monsters to find out if the number is odd or even
Where type of house do you live in?