Friday 5th November 2021
Welcome back to Term 2. We hope you enjoyed some fun activities during your half-term break.
We got straight back into our learning this week, tackling long multiplications and calculating perimeters of rectangles and compound shapes in maths. We also worked on using the dreaded apostrophe correctly in English and Mrs Short introduced us to 'Private Peaceful' by Michael Morpurgo - this will be our featured text this term and we will be using it as a basis for our own writing (recounts, diary entries, letter writing and propaganda leaflets).
We began our Science lesson with a recap of everything we covered in our Light topic last term and then we started work on a new topic - Evolution and Inheritance. We looked at the physical and character traits we had inherited from our parents and grandparents and realised that inherited traits are what makes us all different from one another. (Wouldn't it be boring if we all looked and acted the same?)
On Wednesday we were introduced to the work of the artist Paul Klee by Mrs Vincent and Mrs Glass and were taught how to produce a piece of art in his style, either a skyscape or a wordscape. We all produced fantastic designs, which are now on display (some in the hall, some in our school 'art gallery'). You can see a small selection of them below.
In RE this term, we will be studying The Gospel - the teachings of Jesus as recorded in The New Testament - and looking at how Christians follow these to live their very best lives.
We were in for a treat on Thursday when we were visited by Alex McNeice, a very talented musician, who came to tell us about the benefits of music in our lives. He explained how music can have a positive effect of many parts of our lives:
- Our Bodies
- Our Communication Skills
- Our Friendships
- Our Education
- Our Mental Health
- Our Fun!
We had great fun learning and performing a variety of songs, including an African lullaby which we sang as round in four groups. Alex was very impressed with us as he said he had never tried to perform it in four parts in a primary school, but we did a great job with it!
Remember everyone that tonight is Guy Fawkes Night. If you are going to a fireworks display over the weekend, or even having some fireworks at home, please STAY SAFE and keep your distance.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Best wishes
Mrs Short and Mrs Godden
Our Paul Klee Inspired Artworks

Music Workshop with Alex McNeice