Friday 24.4.2020
Good morning children! And here we are at the end of the week again, with lovely weather to look forward to. I wonder how many of you managed to make your very own Andy Goldsworthy piece of art in the garden? Don't forget, I'd love to see a photo of what you did.
Today we are going to celebrate some of Flissie's home learning. You will see that she's also written Sophie a letter about her brilliant poem!
Flissie's home learning
Here are Friday's maths and English plans:
Friday's maths 24.4.2020
Friday's English 24.4.2020
Friday's RE:
LI I can talk about how Shabbat is a special day for Jewish people and give some examples of what they might do to celebrate it.
You are going to watch a video of a different Jewish family talking about Shabbat. When you have watched it tell your parent what you have understood and then draw some pictures in your English book with captions that explain what Shabbat is.
That's all folks!
Please remember to keep up with the daily reading and phonics practise on the Teach Your Monster to Read and Phonics Play sites - they are fun for the children and, more importantly, invaluable practice!
Have a lovely weekend.
Ciao tutti!
Thursday 23.4.2020
Good morning children. I hope you managed to get some learning done in the beautiful weather we had yesterday! It's hard to settle down inside when the weather is so lovely outside, but if you just do a little of everything we will be super pleased. The most important things are a little reading, phonics, maths and English, though the other subjects are often more fun!
Here are Thursday's maths and English plans.
Thursday's maths 23.4.2020
Thursday's English 23.4.2020
Thursday's art LI: I can give and follow instructions
Last Thursday you looked at a slide show of Andy Goldsworthy's outside art creations. Take another look at them. You are going to work in pairs. Decide who is A and who is B. A must describe one of Andy Goldsworthy's creations in as much detail as possible and B must draw it on a piece of paper or a white board. Your instructions will sound like this: This is a round creation. It has a hollow centre. Around the centre are branches pointing outwards..." Don't let B see the picture you are describing! Then when B has finished drawing show him/her the original picture. Then swap roles!
After that I would like you to go outside and try and create your own Andy Goldsworthy creation, using any materials you can find in the garden. Have a look at one I created. Yours can be similar, but you might want to change the shape and materials. Also I made mine in January. It's April now so you will find different things in the garden. Make it as big or small as you like and send me a picture.
Andy Goldsworthy art in January
Wednesday 22.4.20
Ciao Tutti!
Before we look at Wednesday's learning, take a look at Sophie.
She's a poet, and she didn't know it!

Here are some more photos showing Sophie doing her learning outside
Wednesday's maths 22.4.20
Wednesday's English 22.4.20
Wednesday's Computing LI: I can make a presentation of my favourite animal
This term you are going to create presentations of your favourite animals on Purple Mash. Mrs Godden has created some instructions for you to follow.
When you log onto Purple Mash, you will find a 2Do in their Alerts and this will load the basic project for you. Then, every Wednesday we will remind you to add another slide to your presentation. The attached guide will then help them to complete your project.
Wednesday's History LI: I can ask questions about seaside holidays in the past
This term in History we are comparing seaside holidays in the past and present. Parents, please show your children some photographs of your childhood seaside holidays. To make it fun, tell your child they are TV presenters and they are going to interview you about your holidays when you were children (a banana works well as an improvised microphone!). Get your family members to listen to the interview!
Hello children, here is the learning for Tuesday 21 April.
Maths (Tuesday 21 April)
English (Tuesday 21 April)
Reading and Phonics
Continue to visit Teach Your Monster to Read and Phonics Play.
Design & Technology
This term the children will be making boats from different materials. Starting next week children will follow a plan to make a boat from a particular material. Once they have made their boat they will see if it can float and then they will evaluate the boat they have made. At the end of term, the children will hold their own mini regatta with all the boats they have made and find out which one is the best. We will also be doing some cooking too!
Please do not worry about any of this – just do what you can!
So, for this week, watch this story together: Who sank the boat by Pamela Allen.
Have a go at one of the activities (or both if you like!)
Activity: Today we are looking at floating and sinking. Look around the house and garden and see if you can gather some of the following items (sheet of tin foil, pencil, penny, Lego figure or small toy, feather, stick, empty yogurt pot, spoon, stone, cork, foam shape) or anything else you would like to investigate. Go outside if you can with a bowl or bucket of water or use the bath (make sure an adult is with you). Pick up each item – can you tell your grown-up what material it is made of? Can you think about whether it will float or sink? Place each item in the water and see what happens. Use the sheet attached to record your results (you can draw or write this – or both!).
Activity: Complete the attached sheet cutting and sticking which materials you think might float or sink.
This term we will be looking at the similarities and differences of Elham (where our school is) and Makara - a rural area situated on the North Island of New Zealand.
Today the children will familiarise themselves with the seven continents and five oceans and locate the United Kingdom and New Zealand on a map.
Look at these slides together:
Activity: Can you complete the worksheets below adding the names of the 7 continents and 5 oceans?
Look at the map and circle the United Kingdom?
Can you find New Zealand?
Can you talk with your grown-up about the differences you can see between the United Kingdom and New Zealand? How do they compare in size and location?
Activity: If you have an atlas or a globe can you identify different countries and oceans? Can you find the United Kingdom? Can you find New Zealand?
That's all from me this week - it's Ms Shepherd tomorrow. Keep sending us photos of all your home learning and let us know if you are happy for us to share them on the website.
Enjoy the rest of the week. Love Mrs Grady x
Hello lovely children. Hope you all had a nice weekend.
Here is the learning for today: Monday 20th April.
Maths (Monday 20 April)
English (Monday 20 April)
Reading and Phonics
Continue to visit Teach Your Monster to Read and Phonics Play. Me and my little boy played Buried Treasure from the Phonics Play website last week - it is a great game to practice blending for reading.
This term in science we are looking at plants.
First, watch the video below together: Shooting sprouts shows seeds germinating. Encourage your children to talk about what they see happening. The root appears first from each seed, followed by a shoot and the first leaves.
Have a go at one of the activities (or both if you like!)
Activity: Why not try to germinate some seeds from fruit or vegetables. You could collect a few seeds from some fruit such as a tomato or a melon and make a plant pot by recycling a carton, yoghurt pot or just some rolled-up paper. Make sure you keep any compost moist and that each pot is able to drain water away easily. Keep an eye on your unusual pots and see how long the seeds take to germinate.
Activity: Use the sheets below to cut the pictures out and stick them in order to show how the plant grows.
Growing a flower activity sheet
This term we are looking at seaside songs and the different sounds music makes. We will be following the BBC Teach programme to learn a series of songs. It would be great to learn these so when we are back at school we can sing them together!
Activity: Follow the tutorial for the first song below.