Term 6
Week 1
Week ending 11.6.21
How lovely to see the children back after a glorious half-term holiday!
On Friday, Ian from Kic Theatre, 'kicked' off our Book Week on the theme of 'Journeys and Stories from other lands'. We had an amazing journey through the forest to visit different fairy tales. How many stories can you think of that are set in a forest?
Every year for Book Week, we raise money for Read for Good (formally Readathon, founded by Roald Dahl); it encourages children to be sponsored to read as much as they can to raise money to buy books for children in hospital. It is a brilliant way to motivate children to read as well as donating to a worthwhile cause.
What else have we learned this week?
'I learned the 'ear' phoneme.'
'I learned to write contractions.'
'I learned to use the greater than >, and less than < , symbols.'
'I learned that = (equals) means 'is the same as'.
'I learned my 2 x Table.'
'I learned about the story of Muhammad (PBUH) and the Ants.'
'I learned to identify different flowers in the grounds of Elham school.'
'I learned how to use oil pastels.'
'I learned how to write a book review about 'Wriggly Squiggly.'
'I learned about the compass points.'