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Friday 12th June


Happy Friday Everyone


There's lots to tell you today, so I hope you are wide awake!


Spelling Test

Just as I did last week, I have created this week's spelling test in Purple Mash. When you log on at, simply click on your 2Dos at the top of the home page. You will see this week's test which is called SpellingTest120620 - it may be below last week's so make sure you do the right one!


Summer Reading Challenge - Silly Squad

Another thing to flag up this week is the summer reading challenge that our local libraries run each year. As libraries are not open at present, they are running this online instead this year and it is live already. If you want to sign up for this year's challenge, visit or open the document below for more information.


East Kent Virtual Science Jamboree

Each year there is an East Kent Science Jamboree for primary school children which takes place at Pfizers in Sandwich. Normally our school cannot go as we are too far away. However, because of Covid-19, this year's Jamboree has gone online, so all schools can take part.


In class this morning we will be choosing and following one of the activities (I'll let you know which one we did later today). It would be great if you could join in by either doing the same activity or choosing one of the others. They all look like great fun. Join the Jamboree by visiting:


Have a great weekend everyone.


Mrs Godden x


Silly Squad - Kent Libraries Summer Reading Challenge 2020

Wednesday 10th June

Good morning Year 6!


For those of you who have not returned to school, I have attached the transition powerpoint we have been working through in class. We did not finish it as we only got to slide 3, but we were able to have lots of discussion about worries and questions about starting in year 7. I am planning to finish working through it next week in school. If you are not back at school Mrs Godden and I would like to invite you to a Zoom meeting next Wednesday where we can talk about transition with you. We will send details out shortly.


Have a good day everybody!


Mrs Short xx




Tuesday 9th June


Good morning year 6 who are working at home. 


This morning in school we have been working on some poetry. We have looked at the poem The Magic Box by Kit Wright and we have used it as inspiration for our own poems. We have  written them out and illustrated them and I am  going to put them up in the classroom.


It would be lovely to have some poems from those of you who are at home. I have attached the poem for you to have a look at. Remember you need to use alliteration, personification, onomatopoeia and your senses. Your imagination is your limit and you can be as creative as you want! 


Please send me your poems and I will print them out and put them up in school! 


I'm looking forward to seeing your work.


Mrs Short xx



Monday 8th June


Good morning everyone and happy Monday!


It was great to see most of you completing your spelling test in Purple Mash last Friday and really useful for me to see your scores, so I will be providing each week's test in tihis format from now on.


As usual, you will find all your lessons for this week below. Mrs Short and I will be beginning transition lessons for Year 6 this week and we are looking at ways of ensuring you can take part in these - look out for an email with more information about this coming soon.


Remember to keep in touch with us - we are always here to answer any questions and we love seeing your work and hearing about the exciting things you get up to at home with your families.


Stay safe.


Mrs Godden x 


Reading and AR Book Quizzes


I am sure that you are all reading regularly at home as I know you are all very keen readers. Well done to the following children who have all completed at least one AR Book Quiz since school closed to most children: Sarah, Ivy, Beth, Hannah, Ella, Elias, Sonny and Tom.  If you haven't done any quizzes for a while, please try your best to do one this week or next. Keep up the good work!


This week's spellings (more Year 7 words):























A copy of Mrs Vincent's sheet with all the spellings broken down can be found below.


Please finish Lesson One from 'Moi dans le monde' in the home-learning area of the Language Angels website. Go to and login using Username ElhamC1352 and password lahome. If you have already finished Lesson One, then you can move on to Lesson Two. I would love to see any completed French work you do. Of course, you may continue to use Duolingo if you prefer and I have added two more units for you to complete this week.


This week you will be completing Lesson Two of our Kingdom of God unit, just like your friends in class. The lesson plan and all the resources you need can be found below.


This week you are going to learn how to create formulas in a spreadsheet to solve a problem. The lesson plan and the spreadsheet you need can be found below. Please email me your sheet with your solutions when you have cracked the problem.
