Here are next weeks spellings. The challenge for these spellings will be on Friday 31 March.
Star of the Week
This weeks Star of the Week is Dylan. Well done for some excellent writing this week Dylan. I have really enjoyed reading your work!
Table of the Week
Monkeys are this weeks Table of the Week. Don't forget your show and tell on Monday.
In science the children have been looking at different ways in which plants can disperse their seeds. We discussed why the design of the seed is crucial to the way it is dispersed. The children then made a playdoh model of a seed designed to attach to the fur of an animal - a burr with hooks.
Today in English we talked about the meaning of the word 'sequel.' The children then thought about Goldilocks and Baby Bear as grown ups and used role play to answer the following questions and establish a conversation between the two characters. What kind of lives do they live? Where would they live and what would they be like? Imagine if they met. What conversations would they have? The children enjoyed performing in front of each other and sharing their ideas.
Indoor games in PE due to the weather.