Assessment & Curriculum
Assessing Without Levels
The DfE announced that there would no longer be National Curriculum levels and schools would have to set up their own way of assessing pupils. We have spent a long time researching various methods of assessing pupils, and we have had demonstrations of various commercial software tracking systems. Almost all of the systems used the same format, similar to those used in the Early Years and Foundation Stage. This was to take the end of year expectations for each year group and to split this into 3 categories as follows:
Below age expected (Emerging) - Yet to be secure in the end of year expectations.
At age expected (Expected) - Secure in the majority of the end of year expectations.
Exceeding age expected (Exceeding) - Secure in almost all or all the end of year expectations and is able to use and apply their knowledge and skills confidently.
Under the old levels system, children who were exceeding might have moved into the next level. The DfE now want children who are in the exceeding bracket to add more depth and breadth to their knowledge and to have more opportunities to develop their using and applying skills. They are calling this phase of learning Mastery and Depth. Only exceptional children will move into working towards the end of year expectations from the year above. Similarly, children who are unlikely to be emerging at the end of the year may work towards the expectations from the year below.
Our philosophy
We use a system to record how the children are doing regarding age appropriate level for attainment and progress. This highlights where the children are at the end of each term. We use day to day assessments by the staff and will also combine this with summative assessments at different stages in the academic year.
Our philosophy is built around personalised learning. We recognise that each child is different and that they will all need different areas to focus on to improve. The children are set next-step targets in reading, writing, and maths, and these are reviewed regularly by the teachers, TAs, and pupils themselves.
At the end of each term, the teachers will share details of attainment and progress with the children. The children will reflect on how they have done and complete a Learning Journey log that will be responded to by the teachers and also parents in term six.
During the year, when we talk with you about your child's progress, you will not be given a definitive position on this scale. Instead, you will be told whether your child is on track to meet their end-of-year targets.
Emerging, Expected and Exceeding...
What does this mean?
As you have read in the information above, as well as many other places, we are now assessing our children without levels and using the wording EMERGING, EXPECTED and EXCEEDING. Attached are some documents that Kent County Council have put together to help the understanding of exactly what this wording involves and includes for our children.
Target Grids in child speak
We use Sonar to track progress. This allows us to accurately track the children's progress and help them progress by setting them targets in reading, writing, and maths. The targets are taken from the grids set out here. They are written in child-speak so the children can understand what they need to focus on to improve.