School Uniform
We have chosen our uniform to be practical, comfortable, affordable, and easy for children to manage by themselves. All the basic uniform items can be purchased from any major supermarket or chain store, with the option of some uniform items (in asterisk) personalised for our school and these are available from Springers ( who are based in Hawkinge. They can provide home deliveries, or collections can be made from their premises (Unit C2, Forge Meadow, 9 Canterbury Road, Hawkinge CT18 7JA). Please telephone 01303 893236 to make an appointment.
Second-hand uniform can also be purchased with all donations going to the PTA. If you would like to purchase second-hand uniform, please contact the school office.
If the cost of school uniform remains a concern, please contact the school office, as we may be able to offer help.
Elham Church of England Primary School uniform consists of:
Grey pinafore dress, or skirt, or trousers
White or dark green school polo shirt*, or white blouse/shirt
School sweatshirt*, school cardigan*, or forest green cardigan or sweatshirt
Grey or white socks or tights
Green school coat*/coat
Green and white checked dress or
White or dark green school polo shirt* and grey shorts/trousers
Grey or white socks
Black shoes should be worn with no coloured trims or soles
PE (All)
School PE shirt* (School Green) or school green T-shirt
Black shorts*
Trainers for outdoor games
Team Elham hoodie* (optional)
Black or grey tracksuit/joggers and top for outdoor activities in winter (optional)
Drawstring bag for PE*