Term 1
Week 8
Week ending 15.10.21
What have we learned this week?
'I learned how to recognise odd and even numbers.'
'I learned the 'oy' and 'oi' graphemes.'
'I learned about how we change as we get older.'
'I learned how to say 'thank you' to God for His creation.'
'I learned about the artist, Paul Klee.'
'I made a collage in the style of the self portrait by Paul Klee.'
'I learned to add 10, using a number line.'
'I learned how the people of Tocuaro make masks and sculptures.'
'I learned how to use adjectives.'
'I learned how to use time-connectives (fronted adverbials).
'I learned how to play a team game using a ball.'
'I learned how to add money to make a total.'