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Church of England Primary School

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Star of the Week

This weeks Star of the Week is Ewan. You have settled beautifully into Willows. You have come in each morning eager to get started with your leanring and you have perserved to complete all of your tasks independently. Well done Ewan, keep it up!

Table of the Week

Monkeys are this weeks Table of the Week. Don't forget your show and tell next week!

In Science this term our focus is Animals, including humans. Today we explored the basic needs of animals, including humans. The children had to imagine they were stranded on a desert island for a month and had to decide what they would need to survive. We also discussed the differences between needs and wants. 

Today we started our scheme of writing around the book The Dragon Machine (by Helen Ward), which tells the story of a young, overlooked boy who becomes aware of dragons hiding all around him.

There was lots of excitement as the children spotted dragon tails and dragons around the school!

Welcome to Willows!


The children have had a great first day settling into class and learning the routine.

What a fanstastic group of children - we are going to have fantastic year!


The children completed an activity based on a book called The Dot by Peter Reynolds. The Dot is a wonderful picture book that encourages children to try new or challenging things, to explore their creativity and to have confidence in their abilities. “Just make a mark and see where it takes you”.


Here are their creations!
