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Church of England Primary School

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Term 3

Week 4

Week ending 21.1.22


The children noticed that Saturday's date - 22.1.22- was symmetrical and palindromic!


What have we learned this week?


'I learned my 10 x table.'

'I learned how to add 'ing' to verbs: if a verb has a long vowel sound, with a split digraph - knock off the 'e' and add 'ing'.  If a verb has a long vowel sound, just add 'ing'.  If a verb has a short vowel sound followed with one consonant, double the consonant before adding 'ing'.  If a verb has a short vowel sound followed by two consonants, just add 'ing'.'

'I read 'The Wolf's Story' - is he guilty or innocent?'

'I learned about God's Gifts to us.'

'I learned about the different materials we throw away.'

'I learned how to give change from 10p, 20p and 50p.'

'I learned about 'The Monument'.

'I thought about what I would like to find out about The Great Fire of London.'
