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Term 5

Term 5 Wk 1

Phew! What a busy first week back. All sorts of things have been going on.

Zoolab came in a showed us some amazing animals.We could touch them if we wanted to. We had another workshop on Thursday called Healthy Kids, they taught us all about food groups and what we need to eat to be fit and strong. On Friday we had the sponsored bounce which was also great fun, Acorn class did amazingly well. Of course as well as all of that we worked hard on our sounds and writing with some super sentences being written by ALL of the children. Our Maths learning was ordering numbers and filling in missing numbers on a number line to 20. WOW!

I'm sure something else important happened as well this week? Thank you, parents for all of your kind words and support but there really is nothing more important than the children. ( not even that)


Our learning this term will be mostly about life cycles and growing and we hope to get outside planting and weeding and watering!


There are eggs in our nest box - follow the school videos link to see the mummy bird looking after them.

Term 5 Week 2

It has felt a bit like Christmas this week, and not just because of the cold weather. Acorn class have had some exciting deliveries. On Wednesday three huge boxes arrived. We all unpacked them together and discovered a fabulous new water tray and rack. The children all helped, holding screws and passing spanners and finally we got it made! The boxes were quite fun too! It didn’t stop there though, two super planters also arrived made by Poppy Gosbee’s grandad. Just right to begin our growing topic. Massive thanks to the PTA for funding the new additions to our outdoor area, it really enhances the children’s, child initiated learning and makes our school environment an amazing place to be.

Our English learning has been sequencing the life cycle of a frog. Maths has been learning the names and properties of 3D shape, there really are a lot of cuboids and cylinders around!

We also went on an expedition to the Nailbourne, a stream which runs along the Elham Valley. We saw where frogs might like to live, and did some fishing with our nets. We didn’t find any tadpoles but we did find some shrimps. We used magnifying glasses to look closely at them.

Term 5 Wk 3

We have had an exciting week!

Our learning has been all about the life cycle of a butterfly. We looked closely at our tiny caterpillars and have been watching them grow all week. We have five of them and have all learnt some really tricky words related to this topic. Ask your child if they know the correct word for when the caterpillars change into butterflies, it starts with a 'm'. 

Within maths we learnt another really tricky word which can be related to butterflies 'symmetry'. We made symmetrical patterns from lots of our maths resources and painted symmetrical butterflies.


We had lots of fun when we went to see the Tiger Who Came to Tea. It was a really good show and everyone was on their best behaviour. 

Term 5 Wk 4

What another super busy week, our learning this week has been all about growing. We know what seeds and plants need to grow and have planted our own seeds. We wrote some fab sentences, trying to remember our finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.


We were great at doubling and we even wrote number sentences to record our learning.
We also had a really exciting walk into the village on Friday morning. We went to Jago's house to have a look at the tadpoles in his pond. His mummy and daddy even let us bring some back to school. We have made a special pond so that we can look at them.
Can you guess what we are?

Term 5 Wk 5

This week we have been doing lots more planting. All the children planted a sunflower and began to write a diary which will show what has happened each week.

Our number learning has been halving, the children were great at this and many could see that halving and doubling are closely linked.

We have had great fun outside with lots of water play, mixing and building ( all very scientific ) 

On Friday we saw a really exciting bike display. It was very clever and Acorn class were fab at asking really good questions.

Term 5 Wk 6

What a busy term! We have learnt so much!

We are continuing to water out plants and watch them grow.

We learnt about seed dispersal and even tried it ourselves.

We also learnt to count in 2s in maths, we were great at pairing up Ms Waters messy socks.

We made our boats and discovered if they floated or not!

We also waved  goodbye to our butterflies and watched as they flew away.

