In maths this week we have been focusing on using money in calculations and to solve problems. We analysed 2 Victorian poems and discussed the impact they have on the reader and why the poet uses the style and devices that they have. Continuing with our topic, we learnt more about the development of the railway system throughout Victorian times. We held a debate where we discussed the negative and positive impact of the increase of the railways. The children argued lots of valid, thoughtful points of 5 famous Victorians and then gave their own opinions. In RE we learnt more about the beliefs of Islam and the words that are spoken to a baby when they are born. Wednesday was a day full of sport and fun! The children showed excellent teamwork, perseverance and great sports skills during sports day. In the afternoon KS2 played rounders along with the teachers. It was a game full of laughs, sportsmanship and a few injuries (gained by teachers!). It's been a busy but fun week and the children have been great.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Hall