Term 6
We had a super time at the Rare Breeds Centre. What a fabulous day we had even if it was the only rainy day of the summer! Have a lovely summer holiday Acorns, see you all in September>
Term 6 Week 4
Wow! what a super sports day. The children were so well behaved and tried super hard in all the races. Well done everyone.
Unsurprisingly we were all a little tired in the afternoon, but we had a special treat. We took our Painted Lady Butterflies onto the field and let them go. We were sad to say goodbye, but happy that they all flew away. Painted Ladies are really interesting butterflies, see what you can find out about them.
Term 6 Week 3
We’ve had a super week in Acorn Class. We thought about the things Mr Grinling might like to do if he wasn’t a Lighthouse Keeper. We wrote some sentences from his point of view. In Maths we are still working hard with our numbers to twenty. Well done Florrie and Harry for knowing all of their number bonds. We also had great fun making boats and sailing them. Most of them floated, at least for a while! On Friday we had a good think about the country we live in, England and related that to the World Cup. We looked at some typical English things such as our Fish and Chips for lunch and an English Tea. We thought about our capital city and although none of the children knew it is London some could say that they had seen some of the sights such as Big Ben and The London Eye.
Term 6 Week 2
Our learning this week has been connected to the story ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’. We learnt all about Mr Grinling and his lovely lunches. We thought about our favourite foods to put in a healthy lunch box. In maths we are really trying to consolidate our numbers within 20, lots of the children can count to 20, but counting out to a given number and knowing 1 more or less is proving a bit of a challenge. It was all hands on deck when it came to making lighthouses. We made them using a given criteria, our lighthouses needed to be tall and with a repeating pattern. We did very well.
Term 6 Week 1
Welcome back after a lovely week off.
Our Topic this term will be about the sea. We've had a look at rock pools this week and thought about all of the creatures that live in them. We wrote about the creatures using adjectives. In our maths learning we have been recognising coins and adding values to 10p.
We spent a lovely morning on Friday discovering our new Forest School area. The children used a variety of resources investigating and identifying plants and creatures.
Term 5 Week 6
Wow! what a busy term. I think we are all feeling worn out!. We have been planting and growing and counting in 2s and doubling and halving. Our Forest School area is looking good now and we will be planning more sessions next term. The following pictures are a variety of the flora and fauna that we are lucky enough to find on our school field. How many can you name? Hopefully next term the children will be able to. Look carefully, who can spot the baby rabbit?
Term 5 week 5
This week we are still learning about plants growing. We have planted a bean will be writing a diary each week on its progress. I hope they grow well. We need to remember to look after them. In Maths we have been halving. We started off halving with practical resources and then some of us moved on to numbers. Lots of the children found this quite tricky. If you can find anything to half and double at home I'm sure this would help them. We also looked at how seeds are carried around and even helped some of them on their way.
Term 5 Week 4
Wow! this term is going quickly! We have been planting this week. We planted our seeds. Hopefully we will see them grow and be able to taste them in a few weeks. We also planted some herbs for a small sensory garden, some of them are really smelly! We learnt how to double numbers in Maths and how to record an order of events in English.
Term 5 Week 3
What a great time we had this week. We are still watching the tadpoles grow and now we have caterpillars. We are also looking at the life cycle of butterflies, and ladybirds. Have a look at a Ladybird baby, they are very strange! We enjoyed our visit to the theatre this week, everyone was well behaved and had a super time. We have already been to our forest school area, it’s amazing the learning that can be had from logs and bark. It’s great fun too!
Next week we will be planting some seeds in our planters and thinking about what they need to grow well.
Term 5 Week 2
We've had another super busy week! I really don't know where the time goes! Our tadpoles have hatched and are growing big. We expect them to have legs soon. They certainly eat a lot. Our learning has been based around the life cycle of the frog this week with the children putting each stage in order and writing a caption. We have had fun making some bubble paintings, we all got a bit covered in paint, it was very important to only blow through the straw. I think we all remembered! We are really working on knowing our numbers to 20 now, some of us are confident beyond and some of us still need a bit of practice. We really liked finding 3D shapes in the environment. Its amazing where you can find a cube, cuboid, cylinder, sphere, cone, pyramid and triangular prism. Have a look around at home, its quite fun to go on a shape hunt.
Could I please ask if there are any school books at home that you bring them back, we don't have enough to go around for our Friday library book day anymore. Also if toys could not come into school that would be great, we have had a few incidences of things getting lost and children getting very upset. Thank you.
Term 5 Week 1
Welcome back to all of the children for term 5. This term our learning will be mostly about growth and change. We have started off the term learning about the season of Spring. We went for a walk around the school grounds, ask your child if they can tell you what we saw and heard. It has been lovely to get outside and as you can see from the pictures we have been learning through our play. Painting with water is great for fine motor skills and digging and riding bikes is good for our balance and gross motor skills. We are trying to make sure we know our numbers to 20 now. Counting, ordering and recognising are what we will be concentrating on this term as well as writing a sentence on our own. We all had a super time taking part in the sponsored bounce.
Term 4 Week 5
This week Acorn class have learnt about Jungle animals. We used the text Walking through the Jungle to learn the story pattern and to change it using our own ideas. We made up actions for the different parts of the story. We have also thought about the time of year and discussed new beginnings and what happens at Springtime.
Term 4 Week 4
What a busy week! We have been lucky enough to have been involved in Science week this week. On Monday we did lots of experiments to do with animals. Tuesday we learnt about electricity, Wednesday we experimented with colour changing milk.
Thank you to all of the people who came in and worked with us.
Wow! The fantastic Acorns did a super class assembly on Thursday. They did so well. I hope you were all as proud of them as we were.
We also wrote some lovely sentences about our mums which really showed how the children are beginning to progress with their learning.
We looked at shape this week for our maths. We found shapes in the school environment. See if your child can find a circle, square, triangle, or rectangle if you are out over the weekend. How many sides and corners do they have? What other shapes can they find?
Term 4 Week 1
Our learning this week has been all about mini beasts. We started off the week with our English learning and thought about words to describe mini beasts, adjectives or as we like to say in Acorn Class WOW! words. These have made our writing more interesting and when looking at mini beasts we have been able to say they have 'long legs' or 'hard shell. Our maths learning was all about measuring and using the language longer and shorter. We also learnt that to measure accurately we needed to use a standard unit of measure. We began to record our findings on whiteboards. Our favourite activity was our mini beast hunt, although we didn't find many. Maybe it was a bit cold. We are going to try again in a couple of months and compare our findings.
Term3 Week 6
This week Acorn class have been learning about Chinese New Year.
We tried some yummy Chinese food and thought about the words we could use to describe it.
In Maths we tried some problem solving. How could we make an envelope to hold some coins? We needed to fold, measure and stick. We also started to learn about coins and what they represent.
Our adopted class animal is a Hawksbill Turtle. We learnt about these beautiful creatures and different ways we might be able to help endangered species.
Every day we count to 20, and try to recognise numbers at least to 10. We sing our days of the week, months of the year and seasons songs. We also go through all of our sounds and tricky words. Practising these at home will really support your child’s learning.
Term 3 Week 5
Another busy week for the lovely Acorns. Its so amazing to watch the children progress with their learning. They really are doing so well. A great big thanks to all you busy mums and dads and other family members who find the time to read and learn all of our new sounds and words. I love that moment when they start to blend sounds together to make words and they really start to understand what it all means, so well done all of you!
We have learnt about the fire service this week and thought about the good work they do. We had a practice fire drill so that the children know what to do when we have a real fire drill. They were all very sensible. In Maths we added one more using a fireman's ladder and in English we wrote about what the fire service do.
We also said a very sad goodbye to Mrs Lemay this week. We hope you enjoy whatever you choose to do.
Term 3 Week 4
We’ve had a lovely week in Acorn Class. We started off with a visit from the Dogs Trust. We learnt about our senses and how they compare to a dog’s senses. It was amazing how much some of the children already knew. Well done Harry, so knowledgeable and keen to share his ideas.
We also had a super PE session with the children learning terms such as travel, balance and different types of jumps. Lots of the children worked out a sequence and showed their friends. We had great fun with our ‘bean’ warmup, ask your child to demonstrate.
We have been trying to work out our number bonds this week, we used numicon to show bonds to 6 and then to 10. It’s quite tricky!
We have also been learning days of the week and months of the year songs, we are getting there with these!
And lots and lots of DD time, that’s our doing and discovering time just in case you didn’t know!
Term 3 Week 3
This week our learning has been about the police. We have labelled a police officer, sounding out and writing words such as 'hat, belt and badge' and caught lots of robbers. With our maths this week we took away the robbers from the jail and used Numicon to work out our answers. Even though it has been a bit cold the Acorn's still love to play outside. Its always great to see the children follow up their learning in their play, Willow and Lola knew nearly all of their sounds and played a super game together taking turns in being the 'teacher'. Well done Ted with carrying on his subtraction number sentences during his DD (discovering and doing time) Its great to see such focus and enthusiasm to learn.
Term 3 Week 2
This week our learning has been about the people who help us in school. We used question words to think of our own questions to ask our site manager Mr Elgar all about his job. We thought that we would help him by making an apron. We tested tots of materials to see if they were waterproof.
Term 3 Wk 1
Welcome back to all of the Acorns. I hope you all had a lovely break and wish you all a happy new year.
I have been so impressed this week, we all seem to have remembered the sounds we have learnt and are continuing to read all of those tricky words. We have written some super sentences about the New Year and the presents we received for Christmas. We have also learnt about the year changing and the months and seasons. All the children could tell me that we are now in winter and what we might expect winter to look like. Brrrr!
This term our topic is called Community Heroes. We will be learning about all of the people who help us in our school community and the wider community.
We will start off next week asking Mr Elgar our school site manager all about his job and how we can help him.
We will then be learning about then Police, Paramedics, Chinese New Year and the Fire Service.
Week 1
Wow! What a fantastic first few days Acorn class have had!
The children have begun to settle in to school and are learning lots of new routines. We have already been out on to the playground with all of the other children and everyone played happily, some were so excited to see their older siblings. We have made our own labels for our pegs and have drawn a self-portrait for the front of our books. Our favourite story this week has been Little Lumpty, we are all so pleased when he is safe!
Our Learning this term will be 'Marvelous Me' and will be all about ourselves and our families.
Week 2
A super second week for Acorn Class
We are learning lots of new routines and are all getting used to where things are and what we do in school.
We had our first school dinners this week, which were very yummy! All of the children behaved well and ate their dinners really nicely. We all tried hard to use our knives and forks. Thanks to the Year 6 buddies who were on hand to help.
We are learning to use our listening skills. We listened to our class instruments and matched them to the sounds they made.
It was lovely to see so many parents today. Sorry if I didn't get to talk to you all. If you need to speak to me or are unsure of anything you can usually see me most days after school.
We are so excited to stay all day next week. Please encourage your child to say goodbye to us at pick up and make sure we have seen you.
If the children are happy to come down and play with their friends on Monday that would be great. We will be on the play ground from 8.30 to support them into school.
Week 3
Wow! our first full week! We have been very busy. We have been learning all about acorns. The children know that acorns grow into oak trees and can identify an oak leaf. We did our first PE session in the hall this week. We learned how to sit in a space and to be careful of others when we are moving our arms and legs. We are very good at counting and counted acorns to 10 and some of us even went higher! We are starting to look at reading books as a group and getting used to our class learning routines We also went into assembly this week with the whole school. We have done really well!
Wk 4
This week our learning has been based around Harvest. We have had the farm out to play with and have learnt all about what happens to the corn and fruit and veg when they are harvested.
We have used initial sounds to label fruits and vegetables and have used the language heavier and lighter when using weighing scales to compare objects.
We were fantastic on Friday afternoon when we went to the Church for Harvest Festival. We walked really sensibly along the road and listened really well in the Church.
Week 5
This week Acorn class have been learning about our families, the children drew a super picture of their family. We used some of the sounds we have learnt to help us to label.
We have used the classic and much loved ‘Pat Hutchins’ story ‘Titch’ to inspire us. Titch is little and has a medium sized sister and a big brother. This story also helped us to learn the language related to measuring such as big, bigger and small, and to compare and order according to size.
As well as lots of learning we have also had lots of fun. Check out the pictures of smiley, happy children investigating and discovering during our Child Initiated Time. Builder's is a favourite theme at the moment, with lots of wall building and mixing our 'cement' also involving lots of measuring and careful placing of bricks to make our walls really strong.
Week 6
Wow! what a busy week we have had! We have continued our learning about families and have met the Robinson family. These are the characters from the Oxford Reading Tree books which I'm sure lots of you know. We especially enjoyed learning about Floppy the dog.
In our maths learning we sorted Floppies biscuits and made repeating patterns.
On Friday morning Ian visited us to kick off next weeks learning following our book week theme of Super Heroes.
Don't forget to dress up on Friday!
Week 7 Super Hero Book Week
Wow! What a lot of things going on this week!
We've also been busy with all of our usual learning.
Try to go through your sounds and sight words over the holiday, and maybe even some of the fine motor control activities aimed to help with strengthening little fingers to hold pencils correctly.
Next term are learning will be based around some much loved stories or 'Treasure Tales' with lots of exciting activities planned.
Most of all though have a lovely half term and a well deserved rest.
Treasure Tales
Wk1 Term 2
Welcome back to all of the lovely Acorns.
I hope you all had a great half term.
We have had another busy and fun week. We have learnt about how to stay safe on bonfire night and thought about all of the words we could use to describe fireworks. We even sounded some out and wrote them down. We have been practising our tricky words. Remember these are words that don’t sound out so we need to keep looking at them. In maths we started to add two groups together using the part, part, whole method. We also got changed for PE, very good! We loved playing in the water!
Term 2 Week 2
Our learning this week has been based on the Three Little Pigs. We have ordered the story on a story map and retold the story sequencing the main parts. Ask the children if they can remember the main parts of the story and the story language.
In maths we used the words heavier and lighter to describe the bricks, sticks and straw that the pigs houses were made from. We also did lots of counting and counting out objects on to number cards.
We changed again for PE, and practised our Write Dance to help us with our fine motor control.
Term 2 Week 3
This week we have been learning about the three billy goats gruff. The children retold the story using a story map and build some fantastic bridges thinking about how the goats would get on to the bridge and if the water could flow under the bridge.
Week 4 Term 2
“Oh help! Oh no! It’s a Gruffalo!”
Well its Gruffalo soup at least!
This week we have probably had too much fun! We have been looking for Gruffalo’s in the school grounds. We decided that to stop the Gruffalo wanting to eat the mouse we would make him some Gruffalo soup. For our Maths we shared out the ingredients we needed, and for our English we followed instructions to make the soup.
We had a Forest School session looking for the Gruffalo, we found a few I think and lots of other interesting things.
We took our soup outside to eat and left a bowl for the Gruffalo.
It was so yummy, I bet he never wants to eat a mouse again.
A great big thank you to Mrs Blaine and Mrs Newman who helped us today ( I think they quite liked the soup too!)
Week 5 Term 2
Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
The elves have been in to the classroom and transformed it ready for all of the festive fun.
A special visitor has been today. He's a bit early but I suppose he has lots to do.
wk 6 term 2
Wow Christmas is nearly here! We had a super time at the panto, Oh yes we did!
Term 2 Week 7
What a fantastic last week of term we have had. Our lovely lead up to Christmas started with our fabulous Nativity. The children all did so well.