Friday 15th October 2021
Hello Everyone!
This week we voted for our House Team Captains. We normally have one boy and one girl from each team. but as we have no girls in Fire, we elected two boys instead. These were the results:
Fire Joe A and Baptiste
Water Tamsin and Howie
Earth Erin and Riley
Air Gabriy'el and Joe H
We also made some great art linked to our Topic work on Ancient Greece whereby we designed our own Greek pots, with some fantastic results. Have a look below for each of our designs. Which is your favourite?
When asked which lesson/activity they had enjoyed most this week, the children had lots of different answers:
- Designing our Greek pots
- Voting for our Team Captains
- Learning how to become Computer Monitors and setting up the hall computer and music for assembly
- Playing Prodigy Maths during Early Morning Work time (remember that you can play at home too)
- Learning about different methods of Communication over the internet in Computing
- Making periscopes in Science
- Investigating Greek Gods in History
- Choosing an order in which to put quotes about the beliefs of Christians and non-Christians with regard to religion and science
It's great to see that we all have different interests and find enjoyment in a wide range of activities.
Next week is set to be a whole lot of fun as it is Book Week. We will be working with lots of different authors, there will be drama sessions and a competition for each key stage and Friday will be dressing-up day. This year the theme is 'Non-fiction', so you could come as a famous real person or even an object! Who will you choose to be? We can't wait to find out!
Have a super weekend everyone.
Best wishes
Mrs Godden and Mrs Short
Our Greek Pot Designs