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Church of England Primary School

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Star of the Week

This weeks Star of the Week is Henry.


You have had a great week Henry. In Maths you confidently used weighing scales to successfully identify the heaviest and lightest parcels. In science you listened beautifully and made some excellent recordings of whether objects were smooth, rough or soft. In English, you worked hard to edit and publish your own information sheet about a horse. 


You are growing in confidence and it is lovely to see you with your hand up eager to contribute in class discussions. Well done Henry! 

In English the children have written information sentences about farm animals and then drew and labelled a picture of their chosen animal. The children edited their sentences and have published an information sheet about their animal. 

Darcy our school dog came to visit our class as part of her training along with Jenny the school dog mentor. Jenny spoke to the children about how to feel calm and relaxed around Darcy and then the children practised stroking her calmly. We then clapped gently to introduce her to some of the familiar sounds she may hear within the school environment.  

In science we focused on our sense of touch and how touch allows us to experience or ‘feel’ the physical properties of the world around us. We found out that the organ used for touch is our skin and it covers our whole body acting as both a barrier and a protector.


We then used our sense of touch to decide if a selection of objects were soft, smooth or rough and recorded this in our science books. 


In maths this week we have been measuring.  We have talked about the difference between length and height (we measure the length of our feet but the height of a person) and have used bucket scales to compare weights.

The children are getting to know the laptops this term.  Today they had to use the up/down keys to navigate a computer programme.  We discussed all the different types of computers there are.
