Term 3
week 5
We are looking forward to seeing you in our maths lesson on Monday. The lesson will focus in particular on the children's maths targets and how they can work at these in class and at home.
This week in maths we have been learning to count in 10s, 5s and 2s. 5s is a struggle for most of the class! We learn to do this in lots of different ways: by looking for patterns on the 100 square, by counting along the number line and by grouping objects into groups.
grouping and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s
Week 4
We are looking at 3-D shapes in maths this week and the children are trying hard to remember the following names: cube, cuboid, sphere, cone, cylinder and pyramid. They now know that some 3-D shapes slide, some roll and some do both!
Below are some pictures of 3D shapes the children found around the school.
Finding 3D shapes around the school
Athletics activities at Three Hills Sports Centre
Week 3
It was good to meet parents and talk about the phonics screening test the children will take in June. I hope the session was informative and helpful.
If you wish to look further, go to you tube and key in phonics screening. You will see children being tested, with an adult explaining why the child is right or wrong. However, in the grand scheme of things this is a statutory test that we are obliged to carry out. If your child is not ready for the test, he/she will continue to receive extra support and have another go in year 2!