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Well! We always have a busy week but science week has been super busy and super fun!

Interestingly the children chose yellow and blue wings for their bog babies this week. We haven't spoken about the news in Acorn class but obviously even small children pick up on the world around them.

Making the lava lamps with Mrs Basford was super fun science. Acorn class would like to thank her so much providing such a well organised and interesting hands on activity.

On Wednesday we had some mini beast fun and made some balancing butterflies.


The children loved the science magician, they particularly liked the water bottles with holes in it.

A super experience that we need to thank Miss Knight for as she won it from a PTA raffle and instead of using it for her family she chose to use the voucher in school. This was fantastic for the children and was worth £250 so thank you Miss Knight.

The children loved meeting all of the animals, if you ask them some names they will be sure to be able to tell you. Everyone held a real python and got really close to other creatures as you can see from the photographs.

The last day of science week was all about the dinosaurs. We saw the journey and demise of the  dinosaurs in the Astrodrome. It was a really super experience.


As well as all of that we have of course still been doing our usual learning and have learnt the ar and or sounds, continued working to 10, done lots of reading and even had time to do follow up work from the workshops and the competitions


Thank you Mrs Strover for organising Science Week Acorn class have had a fabulous time.
