Our early morning activities consist of developing fine motor skills this term. We are re-introducing cursive handwriting and find many children lack the hand strength to write more than a few words.
We have used different manipulatives to compare numbers
Number hunt to make a number line starting with the greatest and ending with the smallest number
We read Immy's wonderful book The Smeds and the Smoos and discovered how purple was made. This caused us to veer off piste for the morning and we had a lovely time investigating what happens when you mix different colours. The children talked and talked and asked each other lots of questions to find out how they had made their colours - perfect!
We have finished our book "Astro Girl". The children have all contributed to our very own class non-fiction book all about space, they have used all the knowledge about the features of a non-fiction book to make sure we have a title, contents page, glossary etc.
Our song "In The Groove" is coming along nicely, we have been rehearsing each week to a different style of music. Today the children played the xylophone in the instrumental section, most of us were able to keep the beat, only a few stray notes were heard!
It was all about "Germs" today and how we can stop them from spreading. The children loved the glitter germ challenge that shows how quickly germs can spread. Sure enough we soon had "germs" all over the place!